Friday, September 29, 2023

Ravenwing Chaplain and ATV WIP - Part 3

 Dark Angels Ravenwing Primaris Chaplain on Bike WIP

Ah, the leering skull helm of a Chaplain. Such a thing to behold. I'm almost TO DONE on these models and so close to DreadTober. I need another session to take a long last look and touch up things, correct missing highlights, etc.  No worries...?

Dark Angels Ravenwing Primaris Chaplain on Bike WIP

The Chaplain's base was completed.  Nothing fancy, and fits in nicely with what has gone before in this collection of Dark Angels. I am imagining that a grey rock might have set things off better, standing between the black and the brown.  But prior models got this look so I kept at it for consistency when the whole force is displayed together.

Dark Angels Ravenwing Primaris Chaplain on Bike WIP

Here is the (almost) completed model permanently mounted to the base.

Dark Angels Ravenwing Primaris Chaplain on Bike WIP

A couple different angles here for reference, in case you are looking for a view at specific details. Seems suitably Ravenwing for my tastes!

Dark Angels Ravenwing Primaris Chaplain on Bike WIP

Next up, I decided to mount the ATV on a base as I've seen others out here do.  It just fits in better when grouped in a squad with the bikes. Great opportunity to repurpose a spare base from the bits pile.

Dark Angels Ravenwing Primaris Invader ATV WIP

Nothing fancy here, just the same glued down gravel treatment and the same paint recipe, of course. Simple, but quick, cheap and effective.

Dark Angels Ravenwing Primaris Invader ATV WIP

I think it helps balance the model, which isn't as big as a tank. It will certainly prevent me from breaking off one of those front wheels in the future, if nothing else.  I dunno; I just like it!

Dark Angels Ravenwing Primaris Invader ATV WIP

I'm coming to the finish line with a couple days to get these models TO DONE. Shouldn't be a problem.  I'll have one more post up with the completion, but then its all DreadTober for the next month. Check back 10/1 when I reveal the model I'm painting for the annual challenge. Until then, keep your powder dry and your chins up!

Cheers and Happy gaming!


  1. Looking good, I do love a skull mask! I agree with the base on the ATV. Ties the model into the army quite nicely.

  2. Great work DAM, the skull really brings the helm as the focal point of the model, and good idea adding a base to the ATV, should help limit accidental damage.

    1. Thank you! The Chaplain was great fun to paint. My apologies for releasing your comment so late. I will do better!
