Saturday, September 2, 2023

Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Battle Titans - TO DONE


Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Battle Titans Legio Igantum Legio Tempestus

I took it right up to the line, but the Reaver battle titans got completed by the end of the Hobby Season 2022/23.  I'm excited with the outcome.  Both titans came out well on their own while continuing to fit in seamlessly with the rest of the battle group.  Having the painting recipes really helps.  I'm spending years in most cases building out these collections and it would be easy to forget the correct colors, shades, processes, and what-not.  Seriously - write down your paint recipes!

These engines put a fine cap on the season for me.  Such fun to paint and I get great pleasure from seeing them completed and mixed in with the rest of their brethren.  I'll see about posting up some updated family pictures at some point.  But I think I'll wait until the last two major titans are complete - a Legio Ignatum Warlord, and a Legio Tempestus Warmaster Iconoclast.

Stay tuned for the launch of the 2023/24 season where I will reveal more promised projects and hobby optimism. Oh...and is that DreadTober around the corner? Hmmm....

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


Honorem Veritatis, Reaver Battle Titan of Legio Ignatum:

Legio Ignatum Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Ignatum Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Ignatum Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Ignatum Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Ignatum Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Ignatum Reaver Battle Titan

Pugno Martis, Reaver Battle Titan of Legio Tempestus:

Legio Tempestus Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Tempestus Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Tempestus Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Tempestus Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Tempestus Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Tempestus Reaver Battle Titan

Legio Tempestus Reaver Battle Titan
Reaver STOMP!


  1. Mate, Reavers have got to be my favourite of all the stompy bots and you nailed these guys. Bravo! And yes... DreadTober beckons with loving hydraulics...

  2. Excellent work on both Titans, all your attention to detail really gives them a real look to them.

  3. Thank you! I am also a big fan of the Reavers.

  4. Beautiful engines! Couldn't agree more on writing the paint recipes down - really quite usefull!
