Friday, March 26, 2021

#MonsterMarch5 Week 4 Progress


Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Welcome to week four of #MonsterMarch5 where I try to make a final push for the finish.  We have a fabulous amount of detail molded into these tiny titans and each piece can be a project unto itself. This post is a bit heavy on the pictures, but it is time to reveal the work in more detail as I race for the line.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

The Warlord-Sinister is looking fierce and I'm very pleased with the results so far.  This week I got to work on detailing the weapons and even got to put some effort into the base.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

The beast is table ready, but I have some highlighting and other bits I hope to complete before the 31st.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

I completed the carapace details necessary so that the Ciricrux Anima could be glued down finally. Some edge highlighting was added as well.  I guess it's pretty crackly...not meeting exactly what I had in my mind's eye, but it'll work.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

I used my Mars basing theme here, starting with the air brush to lay down first the lighter color, then the darker color on all the edges of exposed cork. This approach helps me get some shadows and adds some interest for the next step. You can see the full recipe on either Legio painting tabs above.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Secret Weapon Orange wash is used all over the base in a thick coat.  This takes the pinkish, cool red-brown color and makes it a warm orangy-red that I favor for a mars landscape from my imagination.  Here is the titan standing tall on the drying base surrounded by its extra options..

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

With the weathering powders applied later, this will all come together and match my existing Legio Tempestus and Legio Ignatum titans. So the project is coming along great.  I'd love a full week to close, but I'll take the half week as it is.  I have all the weapons detailed and really just need to complete the highlights - particularly on all the gold trim. Much of the steel has been highlighted here and there already.

I hope everyone else still working is having a good run up to the end.  As always, we have some great projects coming out of the challenge. For the curious, scroll down to see close ups of all the weapon options I have been working on.

Otherwise, stay safe out there.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

So much one can do with the arioc titan power claw.  Lots and lots of detail here.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Here is the Sinistramanus Tenebrae, a new weapon for Adeptus Titanicus available only on the Warlord-Sinister. So no idea what this is supposed to look like other than Forge World's studio model.  I had fun with the metallic paints and just let my imagination go.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Here are the standard paired laser blasters.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

I had fun with the sunfury plasma annihilators.  Those following me will recall that I don't like to go all in on OSL effects.  but I do enjoy a little glow here and there...

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

And last, but not least, we have the belicosa volcano cannon.

Warlord-Sinister for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

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