Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Dark Angels 40K Character WIP - Part 3


Dark Angels Master Lazarus WIP

Hello and welcome back.  Master Lazarus continued to hold my focus over the weekend and now he's basically done, although I continue to putter about with him.  I think I'll put him aside at this point and come back around at the end to have a last look.

Dark Angels Master Lazarus WIP

The head is done (though I debate some hair highlights) and I'm very happy with how his face turned out.  Seems very stoic and "space marine" to me. A super close up looks messy, I'll admit, but the overall look is very effect at arms length, and certainly on the table. I'd like cleaner/clearer eyes, but I don't dare go back in there.  It's rare that I manage effective eyes at all so I'll take the murky look here. I usually end up with wide-eyed, staring, wonky eyes.  So this credible leader look is a vast improvement.  I imagine Lazarus is a brooding, moody sort.

Dark Angels Master Lazarus WIP

I'm almost as bad at script as I am at eyes.  I might actually repaint this shoulder scroll with Lazarus's name on it - for practice as much as anything.  But here again, it gets the point across and this isn't meant as a contest submission so I may just live with it. I intentionally wrote dark letters over brown to add some interest to the text, but I'm not loving the results. This is is painted on ceramite and not ink on faded parchment, so it needed to be a bit bolder and cleaner, I think.

Dark Angels Master Lazarus WIP

I dusted up the base of the cloak to tie Lazarus to his environment, as is clear from the base. I liked the bold clean look before this weathering, but I also like that he now looks like he's had a day in the field and didn't just stomp down from a Thunderhawk ramp minutes ago.

Dark Angels Master Lazarus WIP

So that's Master Lazarus.  Time to get on with the remaining characters I picked out for this project. I'm kinda saving Azrael for last unless the muse take me there earlier (as it did with Lazarus).  Each model completed sharpens my skills for Azrael, and completing him will prepare me for painting the Lion! Oh yes, he's coming to the blog later this year, make no mistake.

Hope this provides some inspiration for the other Dark Angels hobbyists out there. I am using Proacryl paints here with GW shades and some custom acrylic medium (thank you Impending Duff!) here and there to thin things.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. I really like your basing here! The different sizes of grit look really realistic and the colours are great!

    1. Thank you. I have for years used a mix of railroad scenic gravel in different sizes, all mixed into one tub. I'm actually starting to run low which makes me nervous since I mixed this up with products form 20 years ago. Not sure if I can make the same looking mix today! :)
