Friday, August 5, 2022

WIP - Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - part 7


Legio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

So many subtle changes...welcome back to my on going series on painting this beast. I did make more progress on the Warmaster this week.  We're at the point now that these details and subtle shading changes are easy to miss upon casual inspection.

Legio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

I put some work into the eye lenses.  Not sure if I'll stop here or go back in with some highlights to help things pop a bit.  I painted in the gold frames around the hourglass shaped intakes to either side of the head and added some additional shading with GW Nuln Oil to the carapace behind the head, including the intakes.

Legio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Then I looked at a few of the details on the carapace.  The void shield generators were highlighted with a little gold, and the muzzle brakes on the autocannons were painted black. Also there was a touch of clean up and some additional shading to the metal deck areas.

Legio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

There's a close up of the autocannons and a couple void shield generators.

Legio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

The lascannons in the knees also got painted to match the autocannon. It probably didn't show up in prior pics all that well, but these were still primer back up to this point.

Legio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIPLegio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Then I painted in the details on the plasma weapons.  The cabling was painted grey and shaded with GW Nuln Oil.  Then various metal details were painted either bronze or gold to add some interest to these ancient weapons. All of the metal was shaded with GW Nuln Oil as well.  This was thinned a bit with medium so it wouldn't be too heavy handed, while still adding some contrast.

Legio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Last up, I painted gold into the gears in the elbow and knee joints, where they were visible.  This is also an attempt to make the machinery of the titan a little more interesting to look at. The rear door got more shading, as did some bits and bobs here at the back that seemed to need it.

Legio Ignatum Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Here's a look at an elbow joint with the gold added in for the gear.  The gold gears in the joints were also shaded with GW Nuln oil to increase the contrast.

And that was really it for this week. I've no doubt forgotten, and therefore left out, a bunch of other little bits and bobs touched up, detailed, and what not.  But I think I hit all the main points.  I've really stretched this project out and I appreciate your patience in coming back week after week to basically see the same material. I will absolutely wrap this big boy up and move on to Horus Heresy shortly.

I don't have any gaming or challenge deadlines for this project.  I'm really just using it, like any hobby, to fill in my free time in the evenings before heading to bed.  I find I'm more motivated to make progress when there is some form of deadline in front of me. Eh, it is what it is!

Stay safe out there.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

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