Wednesday, August 24, 2022

On the Workbench [August] - Heresy Era Dark Angels Reinforcements!

Dark Angels Legion Vigilator WIP

On the work bench this month, I've been working through my backlog of collected models for the Horus Heresy game.  The launch of the new rule set has definitely increased my enthusiasm for painting marines and their vehicles! First up we have a Legion Vigilator for the First Legion.It's going to be a little tricky to deal with the partially covered shoulder pad when it comes time to apply transfers.  I'm planning to cut on to fit there where the cloak partially covers the symbol.

Dark Angels Legion Heavy Support Squad with multi-meltas in MkIV armor WIP

Next we have a Legion Heavy Support Squad with multi-meltas, in MkIV armor. I love this aspect of the Horus Heresy Age of Darkness game where entire units are fielded with heavy and support weapons. I have standardized on transverse crests for my Sergeants.  Here I have maintained the standard MkIV helm to make that easier.  It's sort of a pain to put crests on the resin DA helms due to their shape and style.

Dark Angels Legion Heavy Support Squad with Lascannons in MkIV armor WIP

Then I included a Legion Heavy Support Squad with Lascannons, in MkIV armor.  This is all part of my plan to finally assemble the MkIV armor form the original box set they came with (Betrayal at Caalth?). I wanted all the MkIII and MkIV armor assembled before I decided what to do with the latest MkVI armor from the new boxed set.

Dark Angels Legion Heavy Support Squad with Lascannons in MkIV armor WIP

It's great fun shaping and attaching the power cables from these Forge World heavy weapon upgrade kits.  If you don't know, the cables come straight as a ruler off the sprue and must be heated and shaped in order to be attached to the models. Hot water works, but it's no fun to keep the water warm through out a whole session.  So I've taken to using a heat gun on its low setting to shape resin.  A pair of tweezers comes in handy to avoid burning the fingers...

Dark Angels Legion Tactical Squad in MkIV armor WIP

That brings us to the beginnings of a new Legion Tactical Squad in MkIV armor.  Here are the first ten models.  I have ten more remaining to build - five will join this squad and five with reinforce and existing 10 model Calabanite squad.  That will leave me with three tactical squads, one with 20 models (MkIII armor) and two with 15 models each in MkIV armor. Once those final ten are built, I've pretty much assembled all of my existing infantry collected prior picking up the latest Age of Darkness boxed set.  I have three rhino transports to assemble, then I'll be free to move on to the Spartan, new Contemptor, additional terminators, and all those fabulous new MkVI marines. many models...I have truly amassed a portion of the Legion now.

Plenty of Horus Heresy projects to paint this fall.  Let's see how many I can knock out before the holidays set in. I might take a break to paint up some more Aeronautica Imperialis planes or some such too. Well, and Squaduaty 2023 will surely seem more Horus Heresy painted...

But for now I will sign off and say...

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

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