Wednesday, April 8, 2020

WIP: Legio Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - Part 2

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

The little buddy walks! This week I have used my hobby time to paint all of the gold trim and shade the panels and skeleton of the titan.  I also cleaned up over spray on the legs, body and weapons from painting the panels that were attached. The Warbringer is a big boy, no doubt,

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

Assembly of the leg armor was a bit fiddly around the feet, if I must say.  I'm not sure if I assembled something about the legs wrong, or it's just odd.  But the four lower leg pistons with attached armor didn't fit to the model as I had expected.  They did go on, though, and may actually be correct.  But they just didn't attach as I expected.  The ball sockets in the feet were fine, but the upper piston parts just connected odd, to me. Still,very formidable and stompy once completed.

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

The upper carapace came out exactly as I had hoped.  The stripes are reasonably balanced and not all at wonky angles to each other. I decided this titan would alternate black and red on the knees and shields as part of its livery.

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

Here's a shot from lower down so the chest armor is more clear. I'm really getting into the Legio Ignatum livery in general.  I like the contrast of the bright yellow with the darker reds and black. It makes a nice warm palette against the cool blue/black/white of the Legio Tempestus.

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

Walking around the titan now to check out all the armor detail.

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

I like the gold framed red doors at the back. Nice spot of color.  I'll be working on the details next, so things won't be so generally silver/grey in the end.

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

Left side...much like the right side. :)  I'f I'm getting too picture heavy with these posts, just toss me a comment.

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

Now with all the weapons attached. I'm still working on details on the head and around where the head attaches to the body, so it's off for now. So many gunz!

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

A little side angle so you can appreciate the Quake Cannon in more detail.  This is a warlord weapon strapped to this little guy's back.  Why it doesn't flip him over each time it shoots, I'll never know.

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

Let's come around a bit more and get an even better shot.  BOOM. I would love to stand over one of these at 28mm.  I envy the Titan Club owners out there. Just a fantastic model, esp. at this scale with so many small details.

Legion Ignatum Warbringer Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus - WIP

And a last parting shot.  She's not fully assembled yet to make painting and around everything more easy.  I'm not magnetizing my titans at the waist, but it can be easily done.  This beauty will be glued in position once I'm done with the details.

I can't wait to get decals on this model.  The Fire Wasps are going to be stomping around in style.

Stay safe out there, and hobby on.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Blimey, there looks to be an awful lot of detail on these models. It's difficult to tell the size of these machines (maybe put a Rhino next to them to get a sense of scale?) but you've done a bang up job on the hazard stripes and I'm looking forward to seeing them with their markings added.
    Nice one.

  2. I love the gold trim around the crew door - think I'll borrow that idea on my next machine...

    1. Go for it...a nice bit of contrast to draw the eye in to the little details. Thanks for the comment!
