Friday, January 26, 2024

Storing Assembled Legions Imperialis Models

Legions Imperialis Storage

Greetings and welcome back.  I thought I'd share my experience with the Battle Foam trays for Legions Imperialis. At the time of this writing, Battle Foam does not offer a specific foam try set just for the Legions Imperialis box.  Undaunted by this, I forged ahead and ordered four trays anyway with the expectation of storing them...elsewhere. Now you have to scroll about to see all the options, as they have combined Aeronautica Imperialis and Adeptus Titanicus trays under the Legions Imperials search.

Legions Imperialis Storage

As it turned out, these trays fit well enough in the original box, and the four trays  that I picked up (two for the Legiones Astartes and two for the Solar Auxilia) would more than cover the models from the original set.  If only I had stopped there!  I simply needed more...and so here we are; maxed out, but still in the box, for now. The trays are ever so slightly longer than the box is wide so the fit is tight.  But the trays aren't so deformed by this that it affects their ability to store the models safely. And it isn't much trouble getting them in and out - in fact I expect it to get easier as the foam compresses over time and gets used to being in the slightly tighter space.

Legions Imperialis Storage Legions Imperialis Storage
I utilized good ol' eBay to double the infantry sprues from the original box. It took some time to arrive at auctions with a fair price - man has eBay become a scalper's haven! Remember when you could jump on there for cheap bits and models? Anyway, I digress.
Legions Imperialis Storage Legions Imperialis Storage

A further number of tanks were likewise acquired, either from the local game store or eBay. I very much like the amazing details found on these digitally shrunk models. It is just so different from the epic tanks of old.  The extra tank slots that I didn't fill now hold the overflow infantry and extra tank turrets. As you can see, there isn't a space to spare now. This will only become a problem as GW releases new models that compel me to override the voice in my head that constantly reminds me that I will very seldom, if ever, actually play this game. That voice is such a nag!

At the point that new trays are required, the whole mess will likely move into a new box.  There are folding boxes out there that fit these trays nicely and I picked up a 10 pack off Amazon that house my Aeronautica Imperialis collection currently.  These trays are the same size as those, and the same used for Adeptus Titanicus as well - so convenient!

I very much like Battle Foam trays.  It's not the cheapest option; but I can't fault the results and have been using them for all of my mini storage needs for years now. I personally don't have a need for the bags and cases offered to hold the foam, but it's there too if you need it. 

I hope there is some inspiration here for anyone looking to use Battle Foam trays for their collections.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!



  1. Looking good! That's a really good use for the really good quality boxes GW provides with the starter sets in the last little while. You might even be able to cut a bit of the sides should the tension become a problem.

    1. Thanks! I could shave the trays down but it fits decent enough so far.

  2. Great idea to use this foam in this box
