Friday, October 20, 2023

DreadTober 2023 - Week 3


Dark Angels Ballistus Dreadnought WIP

Moving along!

Hello and welcome back.  My DreadTober 2023 project moves on, if a bit slowly, this week.  I painted the lenses, added script to the purity seals, and put a little color on the Tyranid slime on the base. I also put a little time into cleaning up the edge highlights on the armor just to neaten things up.

Dark Angels Ballistus Dreadnought WIP

I took a pretty standard approach to painting in the red lenses on the targeters. After the model gets an overall coat of flat varnish, I'll go back and put some gloss varnish over the lenses to complete the effect.

Dark Angels Ballistus Dreadnought WIP

Let's just stroll around the model and have a look. Here some writing on the purity seals is evident.  We get another look at the purple ick on the base too. Tyranid bits on my bases is not the standard.  But it's interesting to have something unique on the larger Dreadnought bases, I think.  My Redemptor has some Ork bits, calling back to the Battle of Piscina IV - or maybe some other battle with the Greenskins since Piscina IV was pre-primaris.

Dark Angels Ballistus Dreadnought WIP

This dread was released with the Tyranids as a foe, so I felt it was cool to leave that nod on the base. And yes, I still have to get that Mechanicum icon painted...

Dark Angels Ballistus Dreadnought WIP

So that's the project so far.  Very close to calling this done - I mean it could be done now even.  but that's just not how I roll.  I'll continue to tweak and perfect probably right up to the end!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!