Friday, May 21, 2021

Janus Draik - Blackstone Fortress Explorer - WIP - Part 2


Janus Draik Blackstone Fortress WIP

Well, Janus is starting to take shape.  I'm having a lot of fun with this model.  There is a good amount of detail and a variety of surfaces and texture.

Janus Draik Blackstone Fortress WIP

I put a lot of work into the creature cape/stole that Janus has draped over his shoulders.  It's sort of like two models in one here...a fantasy monster and a human character.  I love the variety and what the designer did with the model.

Janus Draik Blackstone Fortress WIP

Several layers of shading were applied using GW Nuln Oil, GW Agrax Earthshade and GW Reikland Fleshshade.  I dotted some Reikland in like large spots/splotches in the pelt.  It's there, but subtle.  I felt some variation in the fur/scales was called for to give life to the (dead) beast.

Janus Draik Blackstone Fortress WIP

Janus Draik Blackstone Fortress WIP

Next, I targeted many of the remaining details.  The leather work, pipe, monocle, coat buttons etc.  I still have to hit up the decorations on his coat, among other tings.  But he's coming along quite well, I think.

Janus Draik Blackstone Fortress WIP

There is work to do on the face/head and I'd like to do more with the boots...possibly just highlights, but there is a decent amount of detail there that maybe shouldn't be all black. Also, there is a funky skull/pouch thing on his belt that I haven't decided what to do with. Oh, and that pistol grip to complete. so many cool details!

Janus Draik Blackstone Fortress WIP

There are a bunch of highlights needed as well, once I get the remaining details painted.  I'm treating these Blackstone Fortress heroes like the characters they are.  So no rushing to completion, and no cutting corners here. Also, no batch painting which is why I'm only showing off Janus for now.  I originally was going to batch paint for heroes at a time, but I quickly cancelled that idea. Too distracting, to easy to lose track of what I'm doing on each model.

So that's Janus for now.  One more post on him, possibly to before he's done.  As a one off model, I wasn't planning to record my paint recipe.  However, write in the comments if you'd like to see it and I can put something up at the end of the project.

Stay safe out there.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

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