Tuesday, August 27, 2019

WIP: Blades of Vengeance Primaris Librarian

Blades of Vengeance Primaris Librarian WIP

Starting to dig into the Primaris characters project with earnest.  Today I'm sharing the Librarian. I've rally liked this model ever since it was released.  Great detail, decent "psyker-y" pose.  Lots of authority, to my eye.  And fun to paint!

Blades of Vengeance Primaris Librarian WIP

The blue armor is Vallejo Game Color Imperial Blue (72.020) shaded with thinned Nuln Oil.  The cloak was airbrushed with P3 Menoth White Base and shaded with GW Agrax Earthshade. I use P3 Sanguine Base for the purity seals, shaded with GW Reikland Fleshshade and highlighted with P3 Sanguine Base Highlight.

Blades of Vengeance Primaris Librarian WIP

For the gold bits, I'm using Vallejo Brass shaded with GW Reikland Fleshshade. I'm still debating if I went a bit overboard with my choices for gold on this model.  I'm planing a gold hilt for the sword and I really hope that doesn't just set things over the top with that color.

Blades of Vengeance Primaris Librarian WIP

The hoses and armor joints are painted with Vallejo Dark Rubber (70.306) and shaded with Nuln Oil.  I'm planning to paint the sword in a manner similar to my Custodes models.  I'm a tad concerned about the blue blade with blue armor though.  Considering the same effect with purple for a change of pace and something different (a force blade as opposed to plain marine power sword).

Blades of Vengeance Primaris Librarian WIP

Other than some goofing with the cloak, I haven't applied any highlights at this point.  Just setting up the base colors and shading to this point.  It's a busy model with a lot going on. I wen't with the standard red eye lenses to further tamp down on the blues.  I like it.  I guess he could look more powerful with some blue OSL from the eyes and around the outstretched hand.

In all, I pretty pleased with this effort from a single evening session (usually about three hours for me). It's a pretty popping blue - definitely bright for my usual style, but I'm going forward with it. He's not an Ultramarine, after all.  I think as a senior officer in the force and a psyker besides, he'll stand out nicely among all the dark green power armor.

Expect more to come, plus lots of Lieutenants...

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Great work so far! I'm really enjoying painting up the Primaris models in my Dark Angels. The bigger scale is just more satisfying to paint up.

    1. Thank you! I couldn't agree more on the scale. The model details also go a long way to making for a satisfying painting project.
