OMG the Camouflage work is done. Before I could get there, I needed to complete and entire second round of masking over the previous layer. This establishes the second layer of colored shapes that appear to be painted over the Legio Tempestus dark blue background. Let's take a look at a one of the Titans with the second layer of masking applied.
Facta Belli's Carapace with the second layer of masking applied |
With the second layer of tape, I'm trying to establish the same pattern as the first layer, with a similar density of shapes. I offset the shapes on to areas of the surface that have not yet been masked, allowing for some overlap over the previous layer of tape. If we don't cover up enough unmasked areas, the second color layer will not show up well in the camouflage pattern. This is an area I continue to refine as I progress through the titans.
Facta Belli's legs with the second layer of masking |
The Reavers were painted with shapes that were too large and not dense enough, in my opinion. I got pretty close to where I wanted to be with the Warlord and now I'm trying to do the same or better on these Warhounds.
First try at Legio Tempestus camouflage pattern |
Oh, and on the small shin panels, I decided to paint them in the Legio Tempestus dark blue (final layer of camouflage color) and leave them without camouflage. They are a bit small for the pattern to really register in any event.
Leg armor with additional masking to protect the white panels |
With the second layer of masking on all four titans, it was time to put down the final camouflage color, Vallejo Air Deep Sky (71.090). As seen above, I added a little extra masking to protect the white. I learned this the hard way when laying down the prior color. It wasn't awful, but I was getting some small bit of over spray past the masking putty.
Facta Belli with the final camouflage coat applied. |
So here we are with four camouflaged Warhound titans.
Next, I removed all the masking and got the titans ready for brushwork and decals. Here are shots of where the Titans stood after the masking putty was removed.
Turbo Canis unmasked |
Facta Belli unmasked |
Dente Ferrum unmasked |
Lux Curet unmasked |
Unmasked, I touched up the metal skeletons of the titans (Scale 75 Black Metal) and dry brushed them with Vallejo Oily Steel (70.865). This work can be seen in the title image when compared to the individual pictures of unmasked titans above.
Next up will come shading of the skeleton and the final unmasking of the camouflaged armor panels so the trim work can begin. Checkered decals will get applied to some of the white armor panels as the heraldry takes shape. Lots yet to do, but the pace should greatly accelerate now that the painfully slow work of masking the camouflage pattern is behind me.
Cheers and Happy Gaming!
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