Tuesday, October 8, 2024

On the Workbench [September] - Just Move! and other tiny stuff...


Just Move! WIP
Yes, I joined the movement! OK, truth be told, I'm not much of a joiner...and my background in Software and Network Security keeps me off most social media channels.  But when I saw Just Move from Miniwargammer Dave pop up on Instagram, I had to get involved...sort of.  I love the message, and I will paint this mini after DreadTober and share the results on Instagram. I won't likely join the Discord and other social stuff.  But I WILL move...and I am moving.  You should too! It's really easy...Just Move!

Dark Angels Sabre Strike Tanks WIP

I also built Sabre Strike Tanks - so tiny and so fun!!

Solar Auxilia Leman Russ Annihilators for Legions Imperialis WIP

And more Leman Russ battle tanks.  Four Annihilators are pictured here, but I also built four Exterminators, four Executioners and four Demolishers. Somewhere along the line I stopped taking pictures of the builds...I guess because there have just been so many tiny armor kits! I also built two Sicaran Arcus and two Sicaran Punisher variants.  I have a least one of every kit now except for Termite Assault Drills.  I don't love them on the table top, and there are just SO many Astartes transport options. I have more transports than models to put in them!! OK, if I'm being honest, I will of course pick up that kit at some point..but right now I'm standing firm...NO TERMITES! 😁

Solar Auxilia Stormswords for Legions Imperialis WIP

Ah!  And I almost forgot the Stormsword variants.  I did get pictures of these, mostly because I magnetized the options.

Solar Auxilia Stormswords for Legions Imperialis WIP

You just *have* to magnetize these tiny tanks.  You get all the weapon hardware for each variant, so it's a shame *not* to. I used green stuff in the weapons to simply hold the magnets in place using the existing void areas there which were already big enough (mostly) to hold the magnets.  I might have drilled out a bit here and there to enlarge the space. Then I drilled holes in the tanks for the other magnets...keep your polarity straight here! If I ever play this game, it'll no doubt be with the volcano cannons, but I love the look of the plasma (and, Dark Angels!)...so then why leave out the Demolisher's older brother?

So it's been a busy month of builds...no wonder I struggled to complete ten Deathwing Terminators!

But now we're in DreadTober, so time to get back to the Invictor Tactical Warsuit...

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

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