Friday, October 25, 2024

DreadTober - week 4 progress!


Blades of Vengeance Invictor Tactical Warsuit WIP

Greetings and welcome back for week four of DreadTober.  I added a few more details, like purity seals, to the dread this week.  But the main task was building the base.  Nothing too fancy, mind, but something with more lift and interest than a simple plastic circle with some gravel on it...

Blades of Vengeance Invictor Tactical Warsuit WIP

Here, I have used my typical approach of gluing down cork pieces in (hopefully) interesting patterns. Then I used wood glue with my model railroad ballast mix to add some bits of rock here and there. In this picture, the glue is still drying. Later I go back and add Vallejo Black Lava to the rest of the exposed cork surface to hide the remaining 'corkiness'. A couple GW deamon skulls were added for good measure. I may use that as a theme for my larger Blades of Vengeance chapter models to distinguish them a bit form the Dark Angels chapter. Probably for some of the characters too?

Blades of Vengeance Invictor Tactical Warsuit WIP

Here's a close up of the driver in his seat.  I owe him some armor highlights and other fiddly bits to add interest. I'm happy the moving bits still move after painting, though, and the magnets are working great for attaching the driver.

Blades of Vengeance Invictor Tactical Warsuit WIP

Here he is all locked in for a fight.  Progress could have moved a long a bit more this week. However I'm still in great shape for finishing by the end of the month. Everything that is going to be glued has been, with the exception of the base.  I'm going to paint that prior to fixing the model to it permanently.

So that's me so far. A couple three day weekends away and a minor cold this week have slowed the pace, but not wrecked the goal.  I'll be there at the finish with y'all!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

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