Sunday, September 1, 2024

2024/25 Hobby Season Kickoff and To Do List


Image courtesy of 40kaddict

It is time to join the 2024/25 Hobby Season with 40kaddict.  This is the eighth season that I'm formally taking part in and I'm looking forward to earning my stamps! Special thanks and a shout out to 40kaddict for the cool annual stamps and the inspiration to keep the mojo alive! This is the Season of Wood!

My To Do List for the 2024/25 season as it stands today:

The Horus Heresy

  • Complete two Dark Angels Legion Characters
  • Complete Dark Angels Legion Command Squad
  • Complete a Dark Angels walker unit (DreadTober!!)

Warhammer 40K

  • Complete two Terminator Characters
  • Complete unit of Deathwing Knights
  • Complete unit of Terminators

Adeptus Titanicus

  • Complete Legio Tempestus Warmaster Iconoclast Titan (Monster March?)
  • Complete some more weapon options

Aeronautica Imperialis

  • Complete Adeptus Astartes Thunderhawk Gunship (Horus Heresy)

Legions Imperialis

  • Complete four infantry detachments
  • Complete four support detachments
  • Complete four vehicle detachments

Bonus Projects:

  • Complete unit of Deathwing Companions (30K)
  • Complete Lion El'Jonson (40K)
  • Complete unit of Inner Circle Companions (40K)

As has become the norm for my to-do lists, there is always room for new releases, unexpected kits that may come available throughout the season, and general inspiration. I honestly expect to paint A LOT of Legions Imperialis, but I want to set my goals on 30K/40K projects to avoid allowing them to languish too long.  I've made good progress on my 40 Dark Angels Primaris force and I have SO MUCH to work on for the Hour Heresy Dark Angels.

Welcome to the new hobby season!  

Cheers and Happy Gaming!



  1. Certainly looks like an achievable set of goals, as long as there aren't too many distractions along the way ! LOL

    1. I like to swap 'goals' and 'distractions' in that sentence. Cheers!

  2. Looks like a great list. I wish you all the very best for the season and your efforts - 'got wood'? 😜

    1. Thank you, I look forward to the projects. Wood for Sheep?
