Sunday, September 29, 2024

Deathwing Terminator Squad 2 WIP


Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

Greetings and welcome back. 

Today, I'm (finally) showing progress on the second 10-marine squad of Deathwing Terminators that I have been working on. I managed to space out last week and skip posting.  But I've been working regularly on these marines.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

I likely shared this squad in a Workbench post earlier this year.  I hadn't planned on painting them, but after working on the first five marine squad, I realized I was in the groove for this paint scheme and needed to rock on in order for these 15 marines to turn out looking remotely like they were part of the same force.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

And so the primers were applied - these 10 were actually sprayed at the same time as the other five.  I had set them aside - but I did have the foresight to base them at the same time so the colors would match (I had done a lighter zenith layer over a darker base coat, if you recall from the earlier WIP post on the other five marines).

Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

And then some shading. I'm not sure I made the right call on the order here.  It was a pain working the first five because every mistake had to be carefully repainted and cleaned up to maintain the armor color. This time I wanted to try putting down all the base colors BEFORE shading and highlighting...but I spaced again and laid down the shade without thinking.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

So then came the dry for a penny, in for a pound as the saying goes. What followed was more struggling as I tried to carefully paint and shade the many other details without causing me to repaint the base armor over an over...and over.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

Here is what things started to look like before any additional shading. Most colors are blocked in. 

Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

And here we are after the different base colors were shaded.  If you click through to the original and zoom about you can see where I've started fixing all the issues where shade pooled out a bit onto the armor around various details.  After all the corrections, I will go back and lightly shade the fixed areas again with the original Sepia. That and some other corrections led me to where things stand today. 

Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

I have the previously painted squad at the back as a reference to keep me honest. I would like all fifteen terminators to appear as though they are wearing armor maintained by the same armorer. 😂

There will be more work to get the armor looking less touched up.  It's a change I made this time around, was to not fix everything the moment I made a mistake.  Instead I batch painted the fixes after the details were done so that I could at least make progress. I have to imagine this is a little how White Scars and Imperial Fists painters struggle.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termninators WIP

Most recently, I completed the power sword blade and plasma cannon coils. As you can see from the Sergeant's belt, there are still a few details to go. So much to paint on these Terminators! I'm also considering what to do with the feathers.  There are a simple shaded light grey currently.  But I may add black and/or red stripes, tips, etc.  Not sure...oh, and then the bases of course to finish things off.  No sense painting them now, since it would be just one more area with errors to correct. Getting a little of the base color and shades on the boots can easily be passed off as weathering! Heh.

That's it for now...trying to cram on these guys to complete the squad of ten before DreadTober kicks off...not much time left!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


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