Thursday, September 12, 2024

Deathwing Terminator Squad - TO DONE


Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad
Hello!  Today I'm sharing the final results from my Deathwing Terminator project. These iconic models from the 40K universe really come alive for me. It's great seeing them rise from their previously diminutive status with these new sculpts. This puts paid to my first project of the 2024/25 hobby season. Here's my first big wooden stamp of TO DONE.

Check out the closeup pics of each terminator after the break if you're curious. I've already moved on to the next squad of ten terminators.  It'll take the rest of the month to complete those; then we're on to DreadTober 2024!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor

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