Thursday, September 12, 2024

Deathwing Terminator Squad - TO DONE


Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad
Hello!  Today I'm sharing the final results from my Deathwing Terminator project. These iconic models from the 40K universe really come alive for me. It's great seeing them rise from their previously diminutive status with these new sculpts. This puts paid to my first project of the 2024/25 hobby season. Here's my first big wooden stamp of TO DONE.

Check out the closeup pics of each terminator after the break if you're curious. I've already moved on to the next squad of ten terminators.  It'll take the rest of the month to complete those; then we're on to DreadTober 2024!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Deathwing Terminator Squad WIP


Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad WIP
Greetings and welcome back.  Today I'm sharing progress on my first project of the 2024/25 hobby season.  While putting together my TODO list for the season, I was inspired to get started on my Deathwing terminators.  I made great progress last season with my 40k Dark Angels and I thought it would be great to put more progress in this season before I inevitably get distracted by legions Imperialis once again!

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad WIP

To recap, I built this squad from the Warhammer 40K Leviathan box set shortly after it came out. It was great to see some right-sized terminators, especially since the modern Primaris marines were towering over the original sculpts.  But they were a bit when Deathwing Assault was released, I worked with extras from that kit and my bits box to produce a squad that had a better Dark Angels Deathwing feel.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad WIP
Now that is more like it - but that was last season.  Now it was time to put paint on these terminators!

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad WIP

Looking back as I write this post, I realize I didn't dig out the teleport homer or the watcher for this project.  I'll probably take on all the watchers and teleport homers as a single project later this season. 

I tried something new here, and primed the terminators with brown instead of the usual black. You can get an idea of the color by zooming in on the bases. I hoped this would provide shadows the lent themselves to the overall ivory/bone look I was going for. 

Over the primer, I first sprayed Pro Acryl 'Ninjon' Dark Ivory as a base coat.  I then sprayed Pro Acryl Ivory as a zenithal highlight straight down over the top of the minis.  This looked great at the start....but by the end of the project, I'm still not convinced it did anything to affect the final outcome.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad WIP

I then thinned GW Seraphim Sepia with a custom shade medium and brushed that over all of the minis.  You have to take care with this over all shading approach to manage the shade and prevent pooling that will later dry as yellow/brown blobs. Once the shade had dried thoroughly, I used an over all dry brush to lay down some Pro Acryl Ivory highlights. Then I got started on details, starting with the weapons.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad WIP

At this point, I departed from any sort of formal process and just started picking up all the various details as the mood suited.  One thing that challenged me was neatness.  As I hit up various details, I would occasionally paint outside the lines or catch an armor panel randomly with a brush stroke.  This is a pain with all the layers of color forming the overall bone look of the Deathwing armor. Not only is it tough to paint the ivory over darker 'mistake' colors, I had to restore first the sepia tone, then the ivory dry brushed look. This made each painting mistake a bit of a chore (and time consuming) to fix.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad WIP
But I stuck with it and soon it was time for my favorite part of any project - Transfers!! I thought at this point that the terminators really came alive with their traditional heraldry. These veterans have not yet achieved the status of Deathwing Knights, and so have not earned the right to display personal heraldry on their tilting shields. So they get the simple Deathwing icon instead.This squad also got veteran skulls on their power fists.  Little details like this not only help tell a story, but make it easier to recall who goes with what squad.  I have 15 terminators in all and I want to be able to keep the squads clear.

Dark Angels Deathwing Termintor Squad WIP

At this point it was time to clean up and finish the bases.  My armies get a signature black rim to help the surface of the base and model stand out from whatever surface they are on. Now they were ready for the table, but I still had some fussing to do before I sprayed them with lacquer and called the project done.  Check back later in the week to see the final light box pics. There are purity seals and oaths of moment scrolls to tidy up and detail, among other bits of cleanup. I spent a bit just staring at each model trying to decide what done should look like.  Do you ever get caught here with a project?

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

2024/25 Hobby Season Kickoff and To Do List


Image courtesy of 40kaddict

It is time to join the 2024/25 Hobby Season with 40kaddict.  This is the eighth season that I'm formally taking part in and I'm looking forward to earning my stamps! Special thanks and a shout out to 40kaddict for the cool annual stamps and the inspiration to keep the mojo alive! This is the Season of Wood!

My To Do List for the 2024/25 season as it stands today:

The Horus Heresy

  • Complete two Dark Angels Legion Characters
  • Complete Dark Angels Legion Command Squad
  • Complete a Dark Angels walker unit (DreadTober!!)

Warhammer 40K

  • Complete two Terminator Characters
  • Complete unit of Deathwing Knights
  • Complete unit of Terminators

Adeptus Titanicus

  • Complete Legio Tempestus Warmaster Iconoclast Titan (Monster March?)
  • Complete some more weapon options

Aeronautica Imperialis

  • Complete Adeptus Astartes Thunderhawk Gunship (Horus Heresy)

Legions Imperialis

  • Complete four infantry detachments
  • Complete four support detachments
  • Complete four vehicle detachments

Bonus Projects:

  • Complete unit of Deathwing Companions (30K)
  • Complete Lion El'Jonson (40K)
  • Complete unit of Inner Circle Companions (40K)

As has become the norm for my to-do lists, there is always room for new releases, unexpected kits that may come available throughout the season, and general inspiration. I honestly expect to paint A LOT of Legions Imperialis, but I want to set my goals on 30K/40K projects to avoid allowing them to languish too long.  I've made good progress on my 40 Dark Angels Primaris force and I have SO MUCH to work on for the Hour Heresy Dark Angels.

Welcome to the new hobby season!  

Cheers and Happy Gaming!