Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Season of Scenery 2024 - TO DONE


Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain
Greetings and welcome back.  Today I'm sharing the project I completed for Season of Scenery 2024.  I painted up nine buildings for Adeptus Titanicus and Legions Imperialis. Eight buildings are built from the Adeptus Titanicus Civitas kits.  The ninth is a ruin built from an old Epic plastic ruins set. Here are some of these buildings after being built back in November 2019.

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain WIP

It's nice to get paint on some of them.  I was able to prime and base coat the full collection of buildings (more than is shown above), but I left six or seven on the table for now, not completed. I'll come around to them before too long...hopefully not in another five years. 😂 But for now, here's a big stamp o' DONE for Season of Scenery 2024!

If you are interested in the close ups, keep scrolling down after the break. Due to the symmetrical nature of the buildings, some pics appear to be duplicates but are actually different faces of the same building. I also want to point out that my goal was to make interesting terrain as a back drop to AT and LI games.  I didn't want the building to detract from or out shine the game pieces themselves (titans and various armor and infantry units for those games). There is a lot of detail on these buildings and one could certainly go to town on them as one might any individual model.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!!

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain

Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain


  1. These look amazing! Really great inclusion of some spot colours to draw the eye, they will be a joy to play on!

  2. Great work on the buildings DAM, they will make a great back drop for your games, with more than enough detail to still be interesting. Thanks for being a part of this years challenge.
