Sunday, August 25, 2024

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Aircraft for Legions/Aeronautica Imperialis - TO DONE

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Aircraft for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

Surprise!  Out of the blue comes a flight of Dark Angels aircraft from the Horus Heresy for games of Legions Imperialis, or Aeronautica Imperialis.  As I close out the hobby season, I really wanted some air support for the First Legion. A pair of Fire Raptors escorts in a pair of Storm Eagles as they drop detachments of infantry, all while a trio of Xiphon Interceptors provide air cover.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Fire Raptors for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

These planes were a lot of fun to paint. The recipe I use can be found in one of the tabs above. I basically painted them in the same manner as the tanks.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Fire Raptors for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

Legion heraldry was applied to the wings and left side. The wing leader got a laurel on the cheek below and a little right of the cockpit glass. I painted up lascannon sponsons, but they are magnetized allowing me to use heavy bolters or autocannon as well. I just haven't painted them up yet.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Fire Raptors for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

I found some checkered transfers to cut down and apply to the rear doors.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Fire Raptors for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis
Some Dark Angels icons adorn the right sides along with a small vehicle number on the cheek, just below the cockpit glass. I continue to make use of the smaller legion transfers from the 28mm Age of Darkness transfer sheet.
Horus Heresy Dark Angels Storm Eagle Gunships for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

The Storm Eagles will make great transports. I'll likely add a few more at some point depending on what I end up wanted to use in games.  There are SO many transport options for the Astartes in Legions Imperialis.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Storm Eagle Gunships for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

More Legion iconography.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Storm Eagle Gunships for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

These planes are assigned to the Stormwing for troop deployment.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Storm Eagle Gunships for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

Here's a look at the bottom of the hulls.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Xiphon Interceptors Gunships for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

Last up, we have the Xiphon Interceptors. I used gold Legion symbols on the squadron leader.

Horus Heresy Dark Angels Xiphon Interceptors Gunships for Legions Imperialis and Aeronautica Imperialis

Plenty of space for Legion colors on the bottom too.  It's good to know whose planes are buzzing your positions, after all.

Aircraft Bases WIP for Legions Imperialis

The bases were painted in a light, simple style.  I honestly don't know yet how I want my bases for Legions Imperialis to look, as I've only painted tanks so far. Some dirty down rust attempts to add interest to the odd mechanical bits in the center of each base. I fully expect to either re-base and repaint these bases, or to put them aside and modify/paint new ones. The stems are not glued in, and after painting and sealing the bases they fit very snug. This will allow me to pull the clear posts out if/when I decide to modify them.

I'll take a big stamp o' DONE for this project as I wrap up the 2023/24 hobby season.  I owe a TO DONE post for my Season of Scenery 2024 project. Then I'll post a retrospective on the season and follow up with a to do list for the 2024/25 hobby season. Lots of busy work, but then we're back at the painting and modelling once again. So until then...

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! So fun to paint; and I love transfers.

  2. Excellent work on the flyers, they look perfect. Always liked these flyers when they were first released for 40K by Forgeworld.

    1. Thank you! These new epic versions are cast in perfect detail to their 28mm cousins.

  3. These look amazing! I really have to knuckle down and finish my LI Flyers...
    I changed up some of the bases to make them a bit more unique with some simple bits (even fullsized 40k ones cut up) to suggest some techno greeble. Most effective, however I found small bits of sprue make for great dragon's teeth!

    1. Thanks! I definitely want to do more with the bases. I don’t like the LI base choice at all, though I guess it works with thr game board tiles?
