Thursday, July 25, 2024

SEASON OF SCENERY 2024 - Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain - Part 2

Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP
Welcome back to Season of Scenery 2024.  I've poked away at a few more buildings...and I built a bunch more tiny Astartes stuff - but it's more of the same tiny stuff, so I'm not posting it here. I've been playing with various roof types and increasing some of the details, like dry brushing the doors with ProAcryl Dark Silver to make things a bit more interesting.
Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP
The flat roofs need a bit more black so they are less swirly, maybe. But that's not a big deal.

Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP

Here I thought it might be fun to make a building stand out a bit from the others with a fancier roof.

Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP

 Also I went with more layers of transparent black on the flat roof to get more even coverage.

Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP

Having finished the Administratum buildings, I started to work on what I consider the Ecclesiastic buildings.  There is such fun detail in the windows here that I decided to play a little with colored glass.  I used some ProAcryl florescent colors over ProAcryl transparent colors to try to get a hint of light coming through the glass from within.  Not a full on OSL thing, just some added brightness. I also tried some transparent yellow on the circles that look like they could be lights on some of the walls. Doesn't show up so well in the pics though. This building isn't yet complete.  I plan to add verdigris on the pointy gold bits.

So there's a look at the progress so far.  I took a couple nights off to build some extra drop pods and Astartes support stuff. Then there's some family summer fun going on so I won't get back to painting for a few days.  But I should have something to show later next week as I crank through the Ecclesiastic buildings. 

I hope your summer (or winter) is going well.

Cheers and happy gaming!