Monday, July 1, 2024

Dark Angels Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis - TO DONE


Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Welcome back!  Today I'm shared the completed pics of the Sicaran Battle Tank squadron. Two squadrons, really, but they can roll as one; they are just chill like that! 😂. With the completion of these tanks, I have filled my first battle foam tray with completed models.

Dark Angels Tanks for Legion Imperials Stored in a tray from Battle Foam.

Very cool.  I'll take a big ol' stamp of Done for the project, and the full tray!

If you would like to see more tiny tank photos, then please keep scrolling past the break and enjoy.  If not, no worries, there will be lots of tiny terrain coming in July to mix things up a bit!!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

The turrets are all magnetized. So for the second squadron, I swapped the plasma weapons for autocannon to show off the full range. Like the predators, the Sicaran kit comes with all the parts for both turrets. And the Sicaran parts have the magnet sockets in both turret and hull, so there is really no excuse NOT to magnetize them.

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

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