Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Dark Angels Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron for Legions Imperialis - TO DONE


Dark Angels Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Greetings and welcome back!  Today have have a handful of Land Raider Proteus Explorator tanks to share.  Once again, the process of painting these little models went more quickly than my will to photograph the process could keep up. So without ceremony, we skip the WIP posts and move right to the TO DONE.

With the big stamp o' DONE for the project out of the way, let's have a look at the models themselves.

Dark Angels Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

I am finding these tiny tanks unexpectedly fun and rewarding to work on.  I especially enjoy planning out the various imagery on the tanks with my collection of transfers. For these Land Raiders, I actually used mostly transfers from the kit itself.  We have the expected Legion symbol, of course, and a vehicle number.  Not a lot of surface area to work on here, so I kept things simple.

Dark Angels Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

On the left side, we have some extra Legion iconography denoting Terran and Calabanite veterans, elite squads, etc.  These I take from the 28mm Horus Heresy transfer sheet for the Dark Angels. Just that little bit of flavor to add some interest and uniqueness to each vehicle. I splashed some Legion red about on each tank as well.  The large vehicles deserve the honor of unique heraldry within the First Legion and so I have not duplicated the color scheme there, as I did on the Rhinos. 

I love how the weathering powders change the vehicles and match them to my tiny titans. At some point I'll share some photos of the models together for fun. Oh, and I have been applying the powders to the tanks AFTER sealing them with spray lacquer to avoid the frosting that was happening with the titans. The pigment fixer seems durable enough on its own that I won't lose to much of the powders over time to handling, I hope.

Dark Angels Land Raider Proteus Explorator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

And that's another set of LI models complete.  I'm already into the Kratos heavy tank squadron from the launch box. With the transports complete, I figured it was time to get some of the other armor done.  I'm sort of dancing around the little Predator and Sicaran tanks.  I have six of each with optional turrets so it's going to take more time and attention to complete those. And yes, I'm totally avoiding the infantry and other smaller models.  All in good time as I get used to more painting at this scale.

Who else is working on Legions Imperialis out there?

Cheers and Happy Gaming!!


  1. Great work once again! I'm away from my painting desk for a few weeks right now and I can't wait to get back to it and paint these tiny tanks! Such great models! I really like your positioning for the transfers. I'll have to do something simialr with mine. The 28mm decal sheets really are a treasure trove for the smaller scale as well!

    1. Thanks! I was very happy to see some of the smaller 28mm transfers fit so well on the larger models. I'm curious to see what I can do with the banners once I get to infantry stands.
