Friday, May 31, 2024

Dark Angels Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis - TO DONE


Dark Angels Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Greetings and welcome back.  I have a handful of Kratos tanks to share today to add to my growing Dark Angels force for Legions Imperialis. These tiny models are just too fun to paint.  I fear I may not get back to my 28mm collection for some time yet.

I built these tanks with two melta bast guns and autocannon and two with battle cannons and lascannons. They divide up into squadrons of two, or could be fielded as a single large squadron (I think? I honestly forget how large a Kratos squadron can be...).  The vehicles are numbered 1-4 and I put unique squadron iconography on the right front fenders to divide the tanks into two squadrons (skulls for the melta, and keys for the battle cannon).

Dark Angels Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Otherwise, they painted up pretty much exactly like the Spartans and Land Raiders.  I splashed the red around to make each tank unique, while keeping the same red panels on all the turrets (to show the belong to the same battle group). I didn't go heavy with Legion iconography form the 28mm transfer sheet this time.  There's aren't many large panels and the tanks don't need the extra anyway I think. I like that the transports call out who may be traveling inside.

Dark Angels Kratos Heavy Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis

So that's another four tanks done for the force, bringing me to a total of 24 painted models; I think? Not too shabby by my standards. I guess these little guys are something like 75% of what I'd consider a full and proper paint job.  But I love them all the same. At this scale, the extra 25% would hardly be noticed anyway and with the large number of models to paint, I need something quick and effective.

There's the big ol' stamp of DONE for this project.  I have some building to do on the latest release of Legions Imperialis models.  So I guess we'll have a workbench post next.  Then I'm likely going back to tiny tanks...or maybe it's time for a titan? I dunno yet, we'll see. If you like the tiny tanks, I have a few closeups to share after the break.


Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Dark Angels Kratos Heavy Tank for Legions Imperialis

This is the command tank for the full squadron.  I put a laurel under the driver's view port. It is fun and easy to tell a little story with each miniature just by little touches like this.

Dark Angels Kratos Heavy Tank for Legions Imperialis

Dark Angels Kratos Heavy Tank for Legions Imperialis

This demi-squadron (is that a thing?!) uses red panels under the driver's view port.

Dark Angels Kratos Heavy Tank for Legions Imperialis