Wednesday, April 3, 2019

On the Workbench [April] - AT Warhounds and Primaris Marines

Legio Tempestus Maniple for Adeptus Titanicus WIP

Greetings, and welcome to the workbench.  With #MonsterMarch3 drawn to a close, it was time to look ahead at new projects.  I like to take a break from painting here and there to rest the eyes and keep the hobby fresh.  This week I decided to complete some Adeptus Titanicus builds and then look at a way to use my Primaris marines from both the original 40k Dark Imperium boxed set, and the new shadowspear box.

I started by putting together my remaining two Warhound titans for Adeptus Titanicus. These last two Warhounds are armed to be a bit more multi-function than the two specialists I build previously. Hopefully they will be able to move about with more ease and deliver the Emperor's justice to all enemies of the Imperium of Man.  We'll see.  I also assembled and magnetized the new weapons from the Reaver weapon sprue I picked up recently.  These will give my Reavers some more personality and capability once they get painted up.

Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Titan WIP with Reaver weapons

With these Warhounds complete, I have one remaining Warlord Battle Titan to build before completing my current Adeptus Titanicus maniple plans.  It's going to feel great once I have the whole maniple painted in Legio Tempestus livery.  It will also be my first fully painted army in all the 25 or so years that I've been involved in the hobby!  Something cool to shoot for.  I have painted many units and individual models, but never completed a whole force for any of the many GW games I have models for...

Which brings me to the Primaris marines I've been slowly collecting. I knew they would be new additions to the Unforgiven, and I even painted up a full squad of 10 hellblasters for the Dark Angels 5th Company. However, it's becoming clear in the fluff that Dark Angels like to keep their Primaris brothers more at arms length, creating new chapters for them rather than folding them into existing battle companies en masse.

So I'm going to put together a force for the new Primaris successor chapter Blades of Vengeance. I can pull units from this force to mix with my Dark Angels on the table, or field them as separate  detachments. And my desire to stay true to the fluff will be satisfied.  Here are a couple units I assembled this week from the original 40K Dark Imperium box.

Blades of Vengeance WIP - Hellblasters

Some Hellblasters will fit in very nicely with the Unforgiven's love of all things plasma.

Blades of Vengeance WIP - Intercessors

An who doesn't love a squad of Intercessors? These new sculpts look great, even if they are all pre-posed. They were certainly a dream to assemble!  Once I get through the Dark Imperium Primaris models, I'll work on the Shadowspear models I picked up from eBay. Between the two, I'll have plenty of Primaris marines to field.  Then I'll look to some support vehicles, and maybe one of the new dreadnoughts. They are very cool!

For now, that's all from the workbench in April.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Every time I forget about AT and think someone bought a 28mm titan, haha.
    Good job on the background work around.

    1. Heh, yeah, especially tough in the close ups. It's very cool how accurate the 28mm models were reduced down to in AT scale.


  2. Great stuff! I love the look of the Adeptus Titanicus stuff.

  3. I'm only slightly jealous because I want Adeptus Titanicus but I ain't paying NZ prices for it! Still, lovely models and lots of juicy weapons. I too have never finished painting one army or even a board game set in all my years of collecting (admittedly not 25!).

    1. Ugh, yes, I am sorry to see how prices vary so much across various geographies. Maybe Brexit collapses all that...probably not though.
