Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Dark Angels Aggressor Squad WIP - Part 2


Dark Angels Aggressors WIP

Greetings and welcome back!  After some vacation time away with the family, I'm back at the desk painting Dark Angels Aggressors.  I got the details pretty much completed with a few exceptions, the transfers on, and even started some edge highlighting on one model.  So many edges...

Dark Angels Aggressors WIP

As mentioned previously, I arbitrarily chose to put these fellas in the 9th company fire support reserves.  This is mostly to pair them with a fun Master/Captain model in Gravis armor.  With Lazarus as the master of the 5th company, there wasn't really room for another Master there. And I have plenty of fire support options for the fifth company as it is. So these gents will be the first squad of the 9th company in my collection. This is also a great opportunity to use some of the other knee pad transfers on my sheets. 😂So many transfers so little time...

Dark Angels Aggressors WIP

This is NOT by best set of photos, so please bear with me for this post.  I need to pay more attention there and stop taking photos last thing when I turn in for the night (often around midnight).

Dark Angels Aggressors WIP

I keep forgetting to finish the purity seals on the sergeant's backpack. One of the exceptions to completing the details on these models. Also, there are several cables that need to be painted.

Dark Angels Aggressors WIP

Lots of dakka.  I like where the project is going and should have it wrapped up soon.  I'll be back to more regular posts with vacation now behind me too. I have a lot of Dark Angels models I'd like to paint...including The Lion, but what is that around the corner...Legions Imperialis? Yes please!  Expect a transition to tiny titans, planes and people in August.  I'm very excited to see how they tie the planes, titans and new armor and infantry into a single game.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

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