Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Legions Imperialis WIP - more Dark Angels Sicarans!


Dark Angels Sicaran Tanks WIP for Legions Imperialis
Greeting and welcome back!

I have four more Sicaran tanks for the Dark Angels on my painting table still. Still fun to paint these tiny tanks, but I'm going slow. Honestly, it's more in my mind than my hand if I'm being honest. Regardless, we have to just keep on keepin' on right?  I'm pretty close to putting on transfers and then final sharing and weathering.  I have to put more time in on the turrets first.

There's not much else to say about this small project. It's something to keep me in practice while I continue to sort out the nerve issues I'm working through. I've also been adding a few models here and there to the Legions Imperialis collection, like  these additional Spartans...

Dark Angels Spartan Tanks WIP for Legions Imperialis

And I also broke most of the unpainted collection to lay down some primer...

Dark Angels WIP for Legions Imperialis

Harder to make excuses about painting when the primer coat is down! I also primed the Solar Auxilia models in a medium standard grey, but apparently forgot to take any pics. 

So that's where I'm at. I haven't had much to post about lately, but at the same time, I have not been idle either.  Plenty more good stuff to come.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Looking good! Any progress is good progress. And I always feel that once you see the finished miniatures, you want to keep going. Just have to push through the slump sometimes.

  2. Great progress on the tanks, and a fair bit of prep work as well.
    The biggest thing after a illness or injury is the mental state, try to stay positive, and I know it's hard.
