Greetings and welcome back. So I said to myself when the DKoK box released that I have all the resin Krieg I need and even some plastic thanks to Kill Team. But then there was a little crack in my armor, in the form of one teensy squad of five engineers and their updated "cyclops" mobile demolition platform. Well the set only lets you build one of two options for every model (except the "cyclops") and a full squad can be ten soldiers, so yeah, a second batch of 5 were required. OK, I'm good. It's just 12 more models.
They look real slick! I then realized I'd need the new rules and heck, this fella on eBay is offering the paper material from the box AND Lord Marshall Dreir in the bargain for a reasonable price - and of course I want the luachbox DKooK art on my codex! So yep, picked that up.
But this is the famed Death Korps of Krieg, right? So the big guns really never do toss in an artillery piece - I mean what's the point of the rest without THAT? Yeah, you can see where this is going...
At this point you sorta HAVE to have the Death Riders too (and why didn't I just buy the damn launch box in the first place...I'm saving nothing by picking this stuff up piece meal on eBay...). The models are pretty fantastic in plastic; never mind that I already have 9 or 10 in resin...nope, gotta have 'em. I couldn't sleep at night if I didn't pick them up.
What, only five? Cheapskate... |
Oh, and then what's that? A new DKoK themed command squad? Seriously?! Well Lord Marshal Dreir isn't going to push this lot about by himself, now is he?! SO, yeah, put that in the cart...
OK, we're good. It's a lot, but it's Krieg and that's good stuff. Wait, no, no we're not good. There's the new heavy weapons set and at this point we can't have all of this and leave just that one box on the shelf. I mean I have 13 or 14 DKoK heavy weapon teams in resin, so I don't NEED three more (and a dude...?). But at this point we all know this hobby isn't really about needs...
Wait...where's the spotter dude? |
And that's how I ended up with 29ish new DKoK models in plastic, all assembled this month. I have no regrets; they really are well designed and great fun to stare at. They might even be good in a game. But whether they are or not, this blog was inspired by the DKoK and I figured it's about time some more Krieg got painted.
The keen eyed veteran may recognize all the resin bases from the Secret Weapon Miniatures that was. I have a silly large collection of resin Krieg, and I bought many trench work bases early on to be sure I could mount the whole collection on them. So I dug out what was left to use while building these new models. The heavy weapon bases are larger than the new bases, but the rule of cool, right? Besides, all the other teams are mounted on these bases and these new models fit like they were made for them.
As for the rest, there's a lot of scenic bits on the new models, so I'm leaving those on the plastic bases. I can add gravel and what have you to blend the plastic in to fit the rest of the look here. And while I'm on that subject, I thought I'd share my process for building out the artillery gun base...
I went ahead and glued down the plastic base components that came with the kit in a fairly obvious but pleasing configuration. Then I figured I'd vary the ground cover a bit. Where the troopers stand and move about, the ground should get a bit trampled and packed down. Probably water collects there too when it rains. So I decided to use poster tac to mask off those areas when I applied my typical mix of basing gravel.
Then I pulled up the poster tac after the glue had dried. Some of the putty is stuck in the glue around the edges, but this is taken care of during later stages. I chose GW Agrellan Earth texture paint to be my packed down, and now parched earth. But first, I needed some gloss coat to insure the Agrellan Earth cracked well.
Once that dried I went over all those areas with the Agrellan Earth. You lay this stuff on good and thick to get a good result.
Then I headed off to bed, so the magic could happen. Watched earth never cracks, so they say...
And voila'! Some parched earth. I guess it's not as trampled looking as I might have liked...and I'm killing myself inside for not thinking to use a trooper boot to stamp a ton of foot prints into the earth prior to the crackling...but it's not bad at all for a homemade scenic base. Should fit in with the resin stuff just fine once painted. You can see the fully assembled model in the title pic above.
With that, February draws to a close. I'll prime this batch and then see what I get paint on next. With MonsterMarch looming large, I might have to go back to The Lion (cheating? he is a combat...). Or perhaps tackle my first Tyranid since 3rd edition. I did promise a new faction before becoming obsessed with tiny troops and tanks. I dunno...but I think the Krieg probably wait for April.
Check back next week to see where the Changer of Ways points my brush. Until then...
Cheers and Happy Gaming!