Sunday, December 1, 2024

On the Workbench [December] - The Lion and the Mechanicum


Dark Angels Primarch Lion El'Jonson WIP

Well, setting up for December, I put together The Lion. Lots of sub assemblies so I can get at everything. I feel like I've done enough on the dark Angels for 40K that they need their Primarch now that he is back among the living.

Legions Imperialis Mechanicum WIP

In addition, I have built a small Machanicum force from eBay while I waited for my pre-order from a local game store to arrive. I would have waited for the pre-order, but experience with the rules says I need a few bits more than the basic box to make a viable force...for all the games I likely won't play since I have not opponents worries though.  Have models will find gamers!

At the time of publishing this article, I have the pre-order.  So there will be plenty more Mechanicum forces to come. It will take some time to assemble them though.  Wow, are some of the models fiddly!! I mean at this point, I've been assembling various scale GW models since the 90's..and yes, they are fiddly. :)

Stay tuned for some Primarch goodness... I need to get paint on The Lion before the new year! Merry Xmas!!

Cheers and happy Gaming!


  1. Some great new projects! I played a game against the new Mechanicum units in Legions Imperialis - they do seem quite reiliant with a lot of them having two wounds! And of course they are amazing models - thanks in part to being so fiddly.

  2. Good idea on the Lion, should hopefully make painting a lot easier, and great start to your mechanicum force.
