Friday, June 28, 2024

Dark Angels Sicaran Squadron for Legions Imperialis - WIP

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP

 Greetings and welcome back.  I thought I'd make an opportunity today to walk through my process for painting these tiny tanks. They have lots of sharp detail and can be really fun to paint. The scale can change how we approach the models in a way that makes them in some ways easier to paint than the 28mm models.  But one thing is for certain; it all starts with a good primer coat...

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP
I like to use Vallejo Surface Primer Black, sprayed through an air brush. However be warned, this approach isn't for the faint of heart.  Primer paints contain compounds that make them 'gloppy' in a way that easily clogs the airbrush.  I use a mix of Vallejo acrylic thinner and flow improver to make this work.  And even then, I have to pause often to clean out the air brush. But I think it is worth it - especially at this scale. Rattle cans are cheaper and easier, but you'll almost certainly clog and obscure some of the sharp details with them. With the airbrush, I have more control of how much paint I'm laying down.

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP

After the primer has dried (I wait ~24 hours to be sure the primer set firmly - but this is generally because I spray late at night before bed), I hit the models with a heavy dry brushing of Proacryl Dark Warm Grey.  This always ends up looking MUCH lighter than I want - but I trust in the process and stay the course. At the end of the evening, after drybrushing, I then lay on a heavy all-over coat of GW Nuln Oil, straight from the pot. You can see the wash drying in the pic above. If the first coat doesn't darken things enough, I'll add a second.

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP

Then I come back the next day and get to work on the metals.  This is generally Proacryl Dark Silver on tracks, weapons, shoulder trim and maybe a few other details with the tanks.  For the plasma cannons on the Sicarans, I went further to show their technological age and 'special-ness'.  Yeah, I think that's a thing.  Anyway, they got some Proacryl Bronze along with the Dark Silver details. I also shaded the tracks and exhaust with GW Reikland Fleshshade.

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP

Unique to the plasma weapons, I had more weapon work to do than normal.  I followed my usual paint recipe for plasma effects (see my 30K Dark Angels recipe in the tabs above), perhaps with a bit of a lighter hand than I would on 28mm weapons.  I'm typically going for a 'charged up and ready to fire' look vs. a 'peak power - firing!' look anyway.

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP

With metals painted, it's usually time to select the parts that will carry the legion red - in this case Proacryl Bold Pyrrole Red. With the tanks, I choose locations in a way that marks out one squadron from another of the same tanks.  With my collection here, I'm aiming to be able to run all the vehicles in a single squad (rules permitting, of course) if I want.  But I also want to be able to run smaller squads, and have it be clear on the table which tanks go with which squads. So here I have three tanks with front quarters red, and three with side armor red. It helps here that the Dark Angels have a complex and hard to discern heraldry at the best of times. So we can't really say that anything is 'wrong' with our schemes, so long as there is black and silver and red.

I actually tried to get cute with some red and black checkers on the front panels.  But it was just painful to paint and looked pretty mediocre with my skills...well, really bad actually, if I'm being honest. So...straight red it is!  With larger tanks and larger panels, like the Spartans, I could play with transfers to get the effect.  Here things are small and the shapes fiddly, so I didn't attempt it.

Oh, and I chose to paint in the targeting lenses and lasers while I had the red out. I'll need to go back to the earlier painted tanks and do that at some point. I had thought these areas too small, but it is really no worse than painting in eyes!

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP
Speaking of transfers, that comes next! I like to think of the Sicarans as older tanks in the armory.  So I gave them icons of the hexagramaton to show their pre-Caliban Terran origins.  Plus its just sorta mysterious and all Dark Angelly - yes, that's a thing too! Of course, they get the 1st Legion icons as well.

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP

On the right flanks, I put the usual vehicle numbers to make picking out specific models during games easier and the 1st legion icons. And that was it for these tanks.  There aren't many flat spaces large enough for the transfers I have, but it's fine if some vehicles carry less bling than others. :)

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP
I think I started this with the Predators, but I figured out that the small laurels from the Legions Imperialis vehicle transfer sheet fit on the marine shoulder pads.  Win!  So I'm dropping them on all my command models - squadron leaders in this case. Fun!! The small Dark Angels icon (seen on the side of these tanks) seems *just* too big, so I haven't tried that.  I wish they'd print an infantry sheet with tiny legion transfers for the shoulder pads...

Dark Angels Legion Sicaran Battle Tank Squadron for Legions Imperialis WIP

The last step is applying weathering powders to the tracks and bottom of the tanks. I typically spoon out a bit of powder with the GW plastic texture tool (or whatever they call that plastic tool used for applying texture paints...) into a small cup, then add pigment fixer liquid, enough to make a thin soup...?  It's a "feel/experience" thing that I don't know how to accurately describe.  Reminds me of my grandmother who'd describe recipes like, "Put some flour and sugar in a bowl, then a bit of butter and mix it together..."

Anyway, after applying the weathering powder soup to the tracks, fronts, bottoms, etc. of the tanks, I let them dry over night.  When applying the weathering mixture, I try to consider how mud, dirt and dust might accumulate on the tanks...then I back off a little because I want to enjoy the paint job some.  I imagine the paint on a real tank is barely recognizable after a short time operating in a dirty, muddy environment. Anyway, I got carried away on the front of a few of the Sicarans, but I like it. Seems like the slopped fronts, and their increased speed over other armor might make them scoop up a bit more grime on the go.

Somewhere in all that I also applied more GW Nuln Oil to the remaining metals bits.  I used GW Agrax Earthshade on the plasma weapons, prior to painting on the plasma effects. At any rate that's pretty much it; painted tiny tanks! I always finish with a good coat of matte lacquer. That sort of dampens down the weathering powder effect. When it dampens the effect too much, I re-apply the powders.

I'll post up some completed pics from the light box next and take my big ol' stamp of done then too. So check back in a few days to see how these came out, in more detail.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis - TO DONE


Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Yikes!  I missed a post. I had convinced myself that I had posted my Predators, but I had only put the finished pics up on Instagram.  In the mean time I'm happily on to the next project with nothing but dead air here.  Well...time to fix that.

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

The Predators were painted in two demi-squadrons with the assumption I'll field them in threes rather than then six in a single squadron. But who know how I'll end up playing the games I'm likely to never play?

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Anyway, we have three intended to run with all lascannons and three with Predator autocannon (two of those with heavy bolter sponsons).  Plenty of variety I figure.  I imagine playing games where I'll primarily want the anti-armor over anti-infantry as a role for these tiny tanks.

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

These models continue to please; so much so that I've already painted up 30 or so vehicles in total so far. I used vehicle numbers again here to make it easy to identify the tanks on the game board. Tanks 1 and 4 are the lead tanks for deploying in two squadrons. They have iconography on their left front armor to call that out.  I could have mentioned that above.

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

These tanks come with two turrets each so you can have both the autocannons and lascannons with no fuss.  The way the turrets sit on the tanks, no magnets are really needed either. Here, the lascannon tanks sit with their autocannon options.

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

And here, the autocannon tanks sit with their lascannon options.  Fun! ;)

And that puts paid to another project with the big ol' stamp of DONE.  I enjoyed painting the predators enough that I raced on to the Sicarans and in my haste lost track of this post.  It's THAT FUN! is! Oh come on, I mean it!

Anyway...I'll make up for lost time with a post of the Sicaran squadron in a couple days.  It's mostly done too!  Then it's time to break for some Legions Imperialis scenery, thanks to Season of Scenery 2024 over at Wargames Terrain Workshop.  Last year I cheated a bit and submitted the two Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Battle Titans that I had been working on at the time. This year I'll go in with actual terrain. I'm going to need plenty for those Legions Imperialis games that I'm going to play one day!!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Friday, June 7, 2024

On the Workbench [June] - More tiny stuff!


Legions Imperialis Dark Angels WIP
Today, we're looking at the workbench where I've been assembling the latest batch of Legions Imperialis releases. Above are the latest Astartes releases, dreadnought drop pods and some Vanguard units. I also built Stormhammers and  Dracosan armored transports, which I'll share below.

Legions Imperialis Drop Pods WIP

The dreadnought drops pods are much like the Astartes drop pods. The doors will open if you assemble the models carefully. I chose to assemble mine purely for dreadnought transport, ignoring the Palisade option.  With only four pods in the box, it just didn't make sense to me - similar with the Astartes drop pods where I chose not to build the missile version.

Legions Imperialis Outriders WIP

The outriders are Mk VI marines on bikes, pretty straight forward, with only three torso options across the 12 bikes.  As you can see, I just accepted that and made four identical bases.  I'm using poster tac to hold the models down for now, so I can pull them off and paint them separately. Probably not necessary, but easy to do here.

Legions Imperialis Scimitar Jetbikes WIP

The tiny jet bikes are so fun!  these come on with their own stands.  I chose to keep them, but there is latitude here for modelling alternative stands, perhaps using wire to vary the pose? These models have the same issue with only three poses across the 12 models.  Here the posing makes them awkward to switch around, so you are sorta fixed on how many ways you can pose them. I'm using poster tac again here to hold the bikes down, so they can be removed and painted separately.

Legions Imperialis Javalin Speeders WIP

The tiny Javelin speeders appear perfect replicas of their 28mm cousins. I chose all lascannons, but there is a missile option as well. I hope to use mine to hunt hard targets while also swooping in to incinerate infantry as needed (awkward pairing of the heavy flamer w/lascannons). The missile launchers probably pair better w/heavy flamers for a dedicated infantry hunting unit.

Legions Imperialis Proteus Land Speeders WIP

Lastly (for the Astartes) we have my least favorite model of the Horus Heresy range. After seeing all of the other Astartes equipment, it's hard for me to disbelieve the foolishness here of hanging your (admittedly armored) body out to dry on the front of a block of thrusters.  I don't recall the lore, but in my mind I assume there is a mini void or refractor field making a bubble around the crew. But please, no insult or judgement intended on how you enjoy your toy army men. 😂 These opinions are simply my own.

Legions Imperialis Solar Auxilia Stormhammers WIP

Here we move on to the Solar Auxilia.  I'm not sure why we needed Stormhammers at this point - I'd have preferred the other variants that were recently previewed - but they are pretty cool for what they are. I dropped in magnets to make the turrets less fussy (they will otherwise tumble off without regret during handling).  Plus the design team continues to give us sockets for the purpose, so why not?? You get everything a hobby tanker wants with these tiny behemoths - all the guns and all the details. Did I mention the guns?

Legions Imperialis Solar Auxilia Dracosan Armored Transports WIP
Last up are the Dracosan armored transports.  These are fun and I'm assuming the design team relied on the Malcador for much of the design.  Many of the parts feel very similar during assembly. I put gunners on all the roof decks because transports are going in hot and you need to keep the chaff off your ride! Pew pew pew!

That was my palate cleanser between painting projects.  Lots of fun models.  I also added new Battle Foam trays to hold things.  This has expanded the collect beyond a single box so now I have separate Solar Auxilia and Astartes boxes.  Fun!  I hope to constrain the collection there though...we'll see.  Between Titans, airplanes, and these models, its already a lot of boxes - but no where near the space 28mm would require - so that;s how I sleep at night. 😁

Now it's time to slap some paint around. I'm still not sure what I'm going to paint next. I feel momentum to continue with tiny Astartes...but maybe it's time to balance things out with some Solar Auxilia?  Or do I tackle the Tempestus Warmaster?  Or the Lion and his boyz??  So many choices...

Best of luck for your own projects.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!