Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis - TO DONE


Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Yikes!  I missed a post. I had convinced myself that I had posted my Predators, but I had only put the finished pics up on Instagram.  In the mean time I'm happily on to the next project with nothing but dead air here.  Well...time to fix that.

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

The Predators were painted in two demi-squadrons with the assumption I'll field them in threes rather than then six in a single squadron. But who know how I'll end up playing the games I'm likely to never play?

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

Anyway, we have three intended to run with all lascannons and three with Predator autocannon (two of those with heavy bolter sponsons).  Plenty of variety I figure.  I imagine playing games where I'll primarily want the anti-armor over anti-infantry as a role for these tiny tanks.

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

These models continue to please; so much so that I've already painted up 30 or so vehicles in total so far. I used vehicle numbers again here to make it easy to identify the tanks on the game board. Tanks 1 and 4 are the lead tanks for deploying in two squadrons. They have iconography on their left front armor to call that out.  I could have mentioned that above.

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

These tanks come with two turrets each so you can have both the autocannons and lascannons with no fuss.  The way the turrets sit on the tanks, no magnets are really needed either. Here, the lascannon tanks sit with their autocannon options.

Dark Angels Predator Squadron for Legions Imperialis

And here, the autocannon tanks sit with their lascannon options.  Fun! ;)

And that puts paid to another project with the big ol' stamp of DONE.  I enjoyed painting the predators enough that I raced on to the Sicarans and in my haste lost track of this post.  It's THAT FUN!  No...really...it is! Oh come on, I mean it!

Anyway...I'll make up for lost time with a post of the Sicaran squadron in a couple days.  It's mostly done too!  Then it's time to break for some Legions Imperialis scenery, thanks to Season of Scenery 2024 over at Wargames Terrain Workshop.  Last year I cheated a bit and submitted the two Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Battle Titans that I had been working on at the time. This year I'll go in with actual terrain. I'm going to need plenty for those Legions Imperialis games that I'm going to play one day!!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Great work again! I agree, the detail on these miniatures is nothing short of amazing. And it is so great to get additional turrets to be able to change them to what you need at the time!

  2. Excellent work on the predators, and great to see proper Heresy colours, as well.

  3. They are very fun to work with! Thanks!
