Sunday, August 20, 2023

Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titans WIP - Part 2


Reaver Titans WIP for Adeptus Titanicus

Hello and welcome back.  I'm having serious difficulties staying on a blog posting schedule this summer!  Regardless, progress is being made on my Titanicus Reaver Titan project. The Tempestus titan has all the trim done and has been finally assembled.  In addition, all the transfers have been applied to both titans.

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Ignatum Reaver Titan WIP

Honorem Veritatis stands proud with full Legio heraldry. Her titan class (Reaver Battle Titan) is called out on the left knee, while the Collegia Titanica is honored on the right.  Legio Ignatum icons adorn the inside of her right shin, the upper carapace and both shoulders.

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Ignatum Reaver Titan WIP

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Ignatum Reaver Titan WIP

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Ignatum Reaver Titan WIP

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Ignatum Reaver Titan WIP

Black skulls on the weapons signify engine kills of note. 

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Tempestus Reaver Titan WIP

Pugno Martis bears the heraldry of Legio Tempestus which was once a member of the Triad Ferrum Morgulus on Mars.  The titans of my collection bear their iconography as it might have looked prior to the Horus Heresy.  During the Heresy, the bulk of the Legio off-world among the crusade fleets turned traitor and sided with Horus. Since the Adeptus Titanicus game takes place during the Heresy, my Tempestus Legio plays the part of traitor during games even if they bear loyalist heraldry. One might imagine battles taking place early in the Heresy before these proud titans debased themselves with the heraldry of the arch traitor Horus Lupercal

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Tempestus Reaver Titan WIP

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Tempestus Reaver Titan WIP

The checkers on the shins have been made using a custom template which I cut from tracing paper and use to then draw and cut out appropriate shapes from a sheet of decal paper printed in all checkers - another custom print job using Testors decal paper and an HP inkjet printer.  Despite using Testors decal fixer to seal the ink, I still end up with the ink coming off a bit during application, but it mostly works.  I'll clean some of the damage up with a fine detail brush, but may leave some as authentic damage.  Even with the hassles of the whole process, it's totally better than what I'd accomplish with a brush alone, esp. due to the curved surfaces and small areas.

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Tempestus Reaver Titan WIP

Adeptus Titanicus Legio Tempestus Reaver Titan WIP

So there I have two game ready titans - mostly.  They aren't secured to their bases yet.  I'm detailing the weapons currently; then I'll move on to highlights, etc.  At some point I'll then jump to the bases and complete those so the titans can ultimately be secured to them. August is passing quickly and I've had plenty of distractions; but I continue to push for completing these two by the end of the month.  Then it'll be time for a short filler project before I jump into DreadTober 2023!    

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Great looking progress DAM, the use of the templates seems very worthwhile, to be able to get those details in.

    1. It's a bit of a paint on the small shin plates, but definitely worth it. If I was better freehand I wouldn't bother with the extra fuss otherwise.
