Thursday, March 20, 2014

Something wicked this way comes...

Long time, no posts...

The Krieg have not been silent, however.  The Korps has been growing and I owe many more pictures at some point.  A series of Sabre platforms have been added, a bunch of field artillery with crew...lots of fun stuff.  The Army Build page is up-to-date on the progress, even if I've been a bit lax here.

I face the impending launch of the new 6th edition codex for the Imperial Guard with mixed emotions.  It will be cool to have new rules...but I hope those new rules don't wash out what I've invested in so far!  Time will tell...

In the mean time, here's a teaser for my current project...

Death Korps of Krieg Stormlord WIP

Still a work in progress, but should be finished soon.  I have a new daughter do by the end of the month so I'm cramming to get some projects finished by for I take a break.

An Imperial Knight also awaits in the backlog of projects to add a little more punch and flavor to the force. I'm considering a freelance Knight Errant to lend a hand from time to time.  Still pondering a good background!

That's it for now...I should be a daddy X 2 by the time I next write.

Happy Gaming!

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