Greetings and welcome back.
As promised, it's time to paint some Krieg on 262Krieg! I decided to start with the heavy weapons squad, which as you can see above is coming along famously. But it all started with a mass priming session...
I love using double-sided scotch tape and a piece of stiff cardboard, or a paint stirring stick for getting lots of things primed quickly now. I used to hand hold everything with gloves but it takes MUCH longer than this. I save pieces of good cardboard and other materials from the various packaging that moves through the house from time to time. Of course, it helps that I have a dry(ish) basement and a spray booth that vents outside
Bulk priming like this helps keep me moving. It always seems harder to get a project going if the pieces aren't even primed. But this article is about heaving weapons, and you can see some resin bases above for my gun pits. These are originally from the Secret Weapons Miniatures trench work line, when they were operating. I definitely miss their bases...
Next up everything was sprayed with a rattle can using Army Painter Uniform Grey. Thank goodness I had a couple cans left from the early days to match my paint recipe. No idea if this is still around, or if it still matches. I have a dropper bottle or two for these new plastics that will hopefully cover enough to get the project finished. Using a spray on base coat makes these fellas so much easier to paint in bulk. I'm also spoiling my next project here.
I set to work on the heavy stubbers first. Nothing fancy at this point. Weathering and highlights will come last after final assembly. The guns and gunners are not yet attach to make painting easier. The guns have a black wash and transfers applied.
Next I started on the bases. These need to be almost complete before the guns and gunners are glued down into their final positions. I intend to tie everything together in the end with some weathering powders and what not.I'm pretty happy with the results so far. Dirty Down rust was applied to the metals backing up the sandbags. That may be visible if you click through to the larger images. The upright wooden posts are painted in a different, darker wood color to pick them out as a different material than the duck boards.
And there we have the progress so far. I paused to build an additional five Deathriders to fill out a full squad of ten. But now I'm back on painting full time and should be starting the gunners very soon, once I'm satisfied with the bases. I'm very happy to have found these resin bases for this squad lying about. I'm quite guilty of "over-collecting" to the point of hoarding, some might say. But it's at times like this that it pays dividends.I hope you've found something here to inspire your own projects.
Cheers and Happy Gaming!