Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Legions Imperialis WIP - more Dark Angels Sicarans!


Dark Angels Sicaran Tanks WIP for Legions Imperialis
Greeting and welcome back!

I have four more Sicaran tanks for the Dark Angels on my painting table still. Still fun to paint these tiny tanks, but I'm going slow. Honestly, it's more in my mind than my hand if I'm being honest. Regardless, we have to just keep on keepin' on right?  I'm pretty close to putting on transfers and then final sharing and weathering.  I have to put more time in on the turrets first.

There's not much else to say about this small project. It's something to keep me in practice while I continue to sort out the nerve issues I'm working through. I've also been adding a few models here and there to the Legions Imperialis collection, like  these additional Spartans...

Dark Angels Spartan Tanks WIP for Legions Imperialis

And I also broke most of the unpainted collection to lay down some primer...

Dark Angels WIP for Legions Imperialis

Harder to make excuses about painting when the primer coat is down! I also primed the Solar Auxilia models in a medium standard grey, but apparently forgot to take any pics. 

So that's where I'm at. I haven't had much to post about lately, but at the same time, I have not been idle either.  Plenty more good stuff to come.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

On the Workbench [January] - Pt. 2 Inner Circle Companions


Dark Angels Inner Circle Companions WIP

Greetings and welcome back!  I don't believe I ever posted the build of the three Dark Angels Inner Circle Companions that came in the launch box with Lion'el Jonson. Well, that was three models and a full squad can be six.  That's well and good, and I'd probably have stayed with the three models, except that the kit builds two variants of each model.  So, the collector in me was nonplussed that I had only half the available variants.

Dark Angels Inner Circle Companions WIP

So I had the occasion to fix that yesterday, as I made a trip to meet a friend at a local FLGS that opened last year in the area. I did not intend to pick up anything as regular reader may have become aware that I am fully stocked on plastic soldiers - most in bad need of some paint. However, one does wish to support the local economy AND the typically struggling FLGSs.  So I HAD to pick up a box of the Inner Circle Companions to complete the collection.  The three once missing poses are shown above.

These models are just fantastic - particularly if you find yourself with a multi-decade love for the faction as I do. So, 'nuff said on that.  I will look forward to putting paint on this squad at some point. I may take that on sooner rather than later to get back into shape for painting Asmodai, Belial and the Lion. Say what you will about crossing the rubicon, but it sure is great to finally have decent sculpts and scale models for the faction.

Dark Angels Sicaran Tanks WIP for Legions Imperialis
And I haven't stopped painting.  Above are a set of the latest tiny Sicaran variants for Legions Imperialis.  I'll hopefully have something further along to share by the end of the week. It's still a pleasure to put colors on these tiny tanks.

What's on your workbench?

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

On the Workbench [January] - Dark Angels Desolation Squad

 Dark Angels Desolation Squad WIP

 Greetings and welcome back.

While continuing my painting break, I have continued to look at my collection and choose a few kits to build.  I finished the launch box of Mechanicum for Legions Imperialis and so have a box and a half of those models assembled and ready for paint one day.  I have some of the Dark Mechanicum models now too, but they are still in boxes while I patiently await the Battle Foam trays. I got email that they were available, but the new trays are absent from the sight...so not sure what's up there.  I assume they'll be available very soon.

Dark Angels Desolation Squad WIP

So I decided to put this Desolation squad together to one dayget painted up for my Dark ANgels collection.  Now, 40K is totally over the top in terms of larger than life stuff, right?  So I shouldn't be surprised here, but these fellas look very, very odd.  I've had just about given up on building them.  However, after building the equally odd Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit, which I had also given up on, I decided I might as well go all in. I mean, I went to the trouble of collecting the models so...?

Dark Angels Desolation Squad WIP

Anyway, here they are. Everything looks better in Dark Angels green and these models are starting to grow on me. I especially enjoy the sergeant's pose.  The models were upgraded with Dark Angels fetishes and shoulder pads, and the Sergeant got a helmet form the Dark Angels accessory sprue as well.

I'm not sure when they'll get paint on them, so for now they go in the bin with the rest of the unpainted stuff. I need to go back to the Lion and I'd love to finish up some more Bladeguard and the new Deathwing Knights and Inner Circle Companions. So this squad has a ways to go before it rises up the priority list.

So that's that for recent builds.  I might go back to painting tiny First Legion stuff for Legions Imperialis. I'm still sorting numbness and some weakness in painty hand and need something straight forward without a lot of fine detail...maybe tiny stuff seems ironic based on that.  However, the vehicles at least are mostly sprayed and dry-brushed.  The tracks, weapons, and other minor details are small areas and I don't think they'll pose too many challenges.  I guess I'll soon see. 

I hope your projects are going well as we cut unto the New Year. I've been enjoying some great hobby content out there.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2025!

Wishing you the best for the new year.  May you enjoy many hobby projects, win a few games, and generally chart an even course through 2025.


I took a painting break at the end of the year and instead turned my attention to building tiny Mechanicum models for Legions Imperialis. I didn't' feel I was up to my best for painting the Lion as I work through a nerve impingement issue in my dominant painty hand.

No worries though, I'll get this resolved and be back at it as soon as possible.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!!