Saturday, January 11, 2025

On the Workbench [January] - Dark Angels Desolation Squad

 Dark Angels Desolation Squad WIP

 Greetings and welcome back.

While continuing my painting break, I have continued to look at my collection and choose a few kits to build.  I finished the launch box of Mechanicum for Legions Imperialis and so have a box and a half of those models assembled and ready for paint one day.  I have some of the Dark Mechanicum models now too, but they are still in boxes while I patiently await the Battle Foam trays. I got email that they were available, but the new trays are absent from the not sure what's up there.  I assume they'll be available very soon.

Dark Angels Desolation Squad WIP

So I decided to put this Desolation squad together to one dayget painted up for my Dark ANgels collection.  Now, 40K is totally over the top in terms of larger than life stuff, right?  So I shouldn't be surprised here, but these fellas look very, very odd.  I've had just about given up on building them.  However, after building the equally odd Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit, which I had also given up on, I decided I might as well go all in. I mean, I went to the trouble of collecting the models so...?

Dark Angels Desolation Squad WIP

Anyway, here they are. Everything looks better in Dark Angels green and these models are starting to grow on me. I especially enjoy the sergeant's pose.  The models were upgraded with Dark Angels fetishes and shoulder pads, and the Sergeant got a helmet form the Dark Angels accessory sprue as well.

I'm not sure when they'll get paint on them, so for now they go in the bin with the rest of the unpainted stuff. I need to go back to the Lion and I'd love to finish up some more Bladeguard and the new Deathwing Knights and Inner Circle Companions. So this squad has a ways to go before it rises up the priority list.

So that's that for recent builds.  I might go back to painting tiny First Legion stuff for Legions Imperialis. I'm still sorting numbness and some weakness in painty hand and need something straight forward without a lot of fine detail...maybe tiny stuff seems ironic based on that.  However, the vehicles at least are mostly sprayed and dry-brushed.  The tracks, weapons, and other minor details are small areas and I don't think they'll pose too many challenges.  I guess I'll soon see. 

I hope your projects are going well as we cut unto the New Year. I've been enjoying some great hobby content out there.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year 2025!

Wishing you the best for the new year.  May you enjoy many hobby projects, win a few games, and generally chart an even course through 2025.


I took a painting break at the end of the year and instead turned my attention to building tiny Mechanicum models for Legions Imperialis. I didn't' feel I was up to my best for painting the Lion as I work through a nerve impingement issue in my dominant painty hand.

No worries though, I'll get this resolved and be back at it as soon as possible.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!!

Monday, December 9, 2024

Lion'el Jonson WIP - The beginning


Dark Angels Primarch 40K Lion'el Jonson WIP


Not a lot to share today, other than evidence that I have embarked on a project to paint up the Primarch of the Dark Angels this month. So far, I have just started by layering on a few base coats to get started and block out the overall look.  I'm referring to the box art here, but painting with Pro Acryl paints from Monument Hobbies.

Dark Angels Primarch 40K Lion'el Jonson WIP

I started things off with a base coat of flat black from a rattle can.  I'm having issues using the air brush with any decent primer.  Just continues to clog and be generally fussy.  I should probably accept that I can prime with other paints and not get hung up on using a primer.  but OK, I'm hung up on that. 😁 And I recognize that while there can be issues, this is largely user error and something I can continue to work on.

I fear it's going to be slow going, but we'll see. I've been trying to correct and heal up a pinched/impacted ulnar nerve in my right shoulder/arm. It's been a minor annoyance for six months or so while I've sought physical therapy and chiropractic help. But last week I moved into a phase where I have reduced strength in my hand - which happens to be my dominant and most painty hand.  So that's put a damper on things in the short term.

So more appts for me this week and we'll see where I get. Blocking in the big colors here has not been too hard. But I'm not sure I'll have the dexterity for fine work. If it becomes an issue, I'll put this aside and build more tiny Mechanicum - assuming I can still manage the clippers.😂 It is what it is and I've plenty of projects here to work on!

Stay safe, stay healthy.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

On the Workbench [December] - The Lion and the Mechanicum


Dark Angels Primarch Lion El'Jonson WIP

Well, setting up for December, I put together The Lion. Lots of sub assemblies so I can get at everything. I feel like I've done enough on the dark Angels for 40K that they need their Primarch now that he is back among the living.

Legions Imperialis Mechanicum WIP

In addition, I have built a small Machanicum force from eBay while I waited for my pre-order from a local game store to arrive. I would have waited for the pre-order, but experience with the rules says I need a few bits more than the basic box to make a viable force...for all the games I likely won't play since I have not opponents worries though.  Have models will find gamers!

At the time of publishing this article, I have the pre-order.  So there will be plenty more Mechanicum forces to come. It will take some time to assemble them though.  Wow, are some of the models fiddly!! I mean at this point, I've been assembling various scale GW models since the 90's..and yes, they are fiddly. :)

Stay tuned for some Primarch goodness... I need to get paint on The Lion before the new year! Merry Xmas!!

Cheers and happy Gaming!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Deathwing Terminator Squad 2 - TO DONE


Dark Angels Deathwing Terminator Squad
Deathwing in the House!

Greetings and welcome back! At long last, I am posting the final pics of my second Deathwing squad project (begun in September for those keeping track...). The first squad was a five member trial. Then I was on to this full ten marine squad. I love how they came out!  Sure, the perfectionist in me is yelling about all the lost opportunity here. Honestly I spend FAR to much time browsing the projects of others on Instagram, not to mention all of your fabulous blogs. But I'm honestly happy to call this squad done so I can move on to other projects.

So that's TO DONE.  Here's the happy Deathwing family in the display case with some HQ at the rear...

Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators

At some point I need to get things out of the case for a better photo shoot...but no time now, must build and paint MOAR!! 😂 Scroll down after the break if you want to see all the gory details on these terminators.  I have to hand it to GW.  These updated sculpts are great and were a joy to paint. Somewhere down in the basement, tucked away in their foamy beds, decades of first borne terminators weep and cry themselves to sleep...  

Cheers and Happy Gaming!!