Monday, April 22, 2024

Legio Ignatum Warlord Titan for AT - TO DONE


Legio Ignatum Warlord Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus

Gladius Noctis walks for Legio Ignatum.  I certainly took my sweet time with this project; but at last, it is completed. I'm super happy with the results, esp. with how the scheme has stood up over time.  I believe my first Legio Ignatum engine was painted in the spring of 2020, almost exactly four years ago.

Legio Ignatum Warlord Battle Titans for Adeptus Titanicus

Hard to tell from this pic alone which titan was painted first or that there exists four years between them.  That's the value of documenting a paint recipe and then sticking to it. I most certainly would have forgotten details of the colors otherwise which would ultimately have affected the outcome. I'm happy to give the project a big seal o' DONE!

This proud titan even made it into a game!  below is my full painted collection minus the Legio Ignatum Warmaster battle titan.

Adeptus Titanicus with Legio Ignatum versus Legio Tempestus
Arrayed for Battle

Next is an end of game shot of the Legio Ignatum forces.  Gladius Noctis took not a scratch in her first walk, which could NOT be said of the rest of the battle group.

Adeptus Titanicus with Legio Ignatum versus Legio Tempestus
Models chosen and game under way

Here is the battle field at the end of the first turn, just to give an example of what a game in progress might look like. At the top of the board, you can see a Tempestus Reaver battle titan waiting in reserve to use a stratagem to drop onto the board.  More on that later...

Adeptus Titanicus with Legio Ignatum versus Legio Tempestus
Ignoring a lone wolf while futilely attempting to save the game

Legio Ignatum failed to win the day, mostly because I didn't pay enough attention to the open war card we drew for primary objective.  I therefore didn't realize how many points it was worth and allowed a Legio Tempestus titan to sprint to the objective and seize it in the final turn of the game.  Always play to the objectives, folks! We only had time for four turns - otherwise it's possible Legio Ignatum might well have pushed off the Legio Tempestus forces which were mightily abused.

Adeptus Titanicus with Legio Ignatum versus Legio Tempestus

Above is a fun mid-battle action shot of two Reaver battle titans squared off in the back ground for a fist fight. This, after the Tempestus engine used it's Legio stratagem to drop in behind the Ignatum lines for a charge...only it couldn't charge the turn it dropped, which allowed the Ignatum Reaver to come about and step up to give it a mighty punch the knocked it back a couple inches preventing it from counter punching! 

Then Tempestus lost the initiative in the next turn and it was charged by the Ignatum Reaver instead.  It did succeed in ripping the fist off the Ignatum engine in return, but it was too little too late for Tempestus. They lost initiative once again and the enemy Reaver was shot by fusion and laser weapons which ended its day with a mighty explosion.  The Ignatum reaver and nearby Warhound were barely scratched in the explosion...but the supporting Warbringer took four points of structure damage to the body even after backing away from the fight to avoid such a fate. How ironic! But that's Titanicus for you.

So now I'm in that blissful hobby place between projects where there are no commitments and the world is my oyster.  What to paint next??  Probably some Legions Imperialis, but we'll see.  There are still Titans to paint and the Lion of Caliban and his minions beckon...while I decide what to do next, I'll share what I've been building this month in my next post: On the Workbench [April].

Until then, the are more closeups of Gladius Noctis after the break.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

Legio Ignatum Warlord Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus

Legio Ignatum Warlord Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus

Legio Ignatum Warlord Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus

Legio Ignatum Warlord Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus

Legio Ignatum Warlord Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus

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