Thursday, August 15, 2024

SEASON OF SCENERY 2024 - Adeptus Titanicus/Legions Imperialis Terrain - Part 3

Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP

 Greetings and welcome back!  The summer has been in full swing and my painting time has been reduced as a result.  However, progress has been made!  Today I'm sharing the latest three buildings for Season of Scenery 2024.  What started as Ecclesiastic (in my mind) ended up as fancy head quarters/offices for for three factions of the Imperium: the Collegia Titanica (aka Adeptus Titanicus), Aeronautica Imperialis (Imperial Navy), and the Imperialis Auxilia (Imperial Army). Thanks to the recent 8mm games, there are plenty of fun transfers to choose form for these buildings.

Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIPAdeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP

 With the fancy gothic windows, I decided to go for a lighted stain-glass/colored glass effect to ass interest and break up the tall monochrome look of these buildings.  I also kept the dark roof look.  For this Imperialis Auxilia building, I decided to add this dark armored bad around the second tier. It came out kinda goofy, in my opinion, so I did NOT do this with the other two.  

Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIPAdeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP

I added verdigris to weather the dome and pointy bits.  Not sure it's at all how a roof might weather, but I don't hate the look.

Adeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIPAdeptus Titanicus Legions Imperials Terrain WIP

I varied the colors in the windows to add additional interest between the buildings.  I wanted them to be different enough to be owned by separate factions, even though they basically look the same, due to how the kits work. None of this will matter on the table during a game, I imagine.  But it's just how I hobby. 😂

That's it for now.  I have five more Civitas buildings to go I believe.  I may stop here though for Season of Scenery.  Not sure yet.  I slowed way down (even with other vacation and family distractions this summer), and it might be prudent to have a bit of a palate cleanser before finishing off this terrain to avoid burnout and going sloppy on the last few.

If I call it, I'll put up a finished post for Season of Scenery 2024 that shows all the buildings together.  If I carry on, you could expect to see more buildings.  Regardless, September kicks off the 2024/25 Hobby Season and we'll be on to something else no doubt!  I'll have a wrap up for 2023/24 posted by the end of this month too.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Great work on the latest three buildings, the windows look very effective. If you're feeling burned out on scenery, painting something else wouldn't be a bad thing, and thanks for your participation this year in the challenge.

    1. Thanks! This is probably going to sound ridiculous...but I'm considering breaking out some of the Gallowdark terrain...what with the Boarding Actions coming out and perhaps moar terrain!
