Greetings and welcome back! I have been making good progress on my reaver titans for Legio Ignatum and Legio Tempestus. I have not made such good progress on making time to post, however. But it's summer with a lot of work family logistics going on, so it is what it is. It's been a while since I've posted about painting the Forge World Legio Tempestus camouflage, so there is a bit of a refresher here on that. Legio Ignatum is much more straight forward with only simple masking for the hazard stripes. I guess I'll start there.
This titan is the furthest along. It's fully assembled and I've started on some of the details, such as the lenses in the head. I went subtle on the hazards here since the rest of the Legion in my collection have more. This adds variety for having a minimal amount. I did something similar with one of the four Warhound titans in the collection. One of the fun parts of painting duplicate models is trying out different don't have to just settle for one! Also the lore lends itself to variety and individuality in the heraldry among the titans of a Legio.
So that's where the Ignatum Reaver titan stands. Armor colors were airbrushed on over a black primer coat. The all details are brush painted. Some shading of the armor panels has been done as well. There will be another shade pass over the trim.
Next, I am showing the armor progression from initial base coat to final trim on the Tempestus armor panels. There are three coats of paint and two passes with masking tape to make the shapes. The lightest color goes on first, then the mid-color, and finally the darkest color last. When all the masking tape is removed, the appearance is one of the lighter color shapes over a darker base.
You can see where I masked off things i wanted to be black or white later. I messed up with the wight panels. I should have masked the black stripes before painting the white. Instead I masked AFTER painting the white to ad the black on top. Silly and inefficient since the base coat was black already.
Here is how the rest of the titan is coming along. I've also finished the trim on the Tempestus reaver.
Next, I'll be dry brushing the body and cleaning up in preparation for gluing on the armor panel and head.
And that's my tiny titan project so far. Coming along well and I am enjoying having both titans on the desk for variety. It makes both take longer to paint, but I have no deadline. I'm just puttering along with the hobby and enjoying the projects as I continue to build out my painted Warhammer collection. At least I have managed a few games with the Titans! It's super fun having these fellas painted up and stomping about.
Next week these two will be close to done, if not completed. The fussy bits are behind me so progress can pick up. There is a ton of detail on these models and they are always a joy to assemble and paint.
What are you working on these days? Feel free to share in the comments.
Cheers and Happy Gaming!