Wednesday, April 5, 2023

On the Workbench [April] - Arbites and Azrael!


Kiil Team Adeptus Arbites WIP


With the passing of Squaduary and MonsterMarch, it's time to return to my monthly "On the Workbench" posts.  This month, I have some Adeptus Arbites models from the Soulshackle Kill Team box in production.   The models are all very fun and characterful so I want to have representations of all the various members of the team, but I also would like a few extra of the models that are likely to be most useful during games (yes, the ones I rarely if ever play 😂).  So I went out to eBay and picked up a second set of Arbites to go with those from the Soulshackle box. So far, I have completed all of the models from one set, and I think three or maybe four from the second.

You can begin to recognize my strategy, with both squad leader styles (HtH and Ranged) in the upper right.  Then an extra grenade launcher because it may be more useful than the very cool looking heavy stubber (or webber) in games, etc.  In the end there will be enough of everything to paint a full team, plus the extras to provide flexibility on the table top.

Azrael Chapter Master of the Dark Angels WIP

But enough of that - on to the main topic.  I managed to get a hold of Azrael from eBay as well!  Crossing the rubicon, or not, it's great to finally have a decent sized representation of the Dark Angels chapter master.  His diminutive predecessors were cool sculpts and all, but he very much needed to be right sized to fit the rest of the chapter. I'm imagining he will be my next painting project, but I'm not committed to that yet. There is a lot of fantastic detail here, so he'll make a fun and challenging project whenever I get started.  Titan legios are also calling my name from where they lounge, loved, but untouched.

Azrael Chapter Master of the Dark Angels WIP

I prepped the base, but left Azrael blue-tac'ed for now. He can easily be popped off for painting, and the right leg is also only attached to the body with blue-tac so I can pull that out to make painting the robes and under robes easier. The head is also only dry-fitted for now. I loved the option to have the Watcher either carrying the scabbard or the helmet.  I chose the scabbard since a) I love the winged helm look (same as The Lion, which I just completed), and b) he has no scabbard otherwise on his person.  He has to have *somewhere* to put the sword when he needs to sign a requisition scroll or what not.  It can't always be stashed in the bowels of the mutant, the heretic, or the xenos!

So that's it for today.  I need to complete assembling the Soulshackle box contents so they can be properly stowed in the Battle Foam inserts I picked up.  I'd like to have the walls playable with the prior Kill Team "into-the-dark" themed boxes so I can manage a boarding action game, or Zone Mortalis for Horus Heresy. I'm slowly working my way towards hosting either or both this spring now that the 21st century plague has abated somewhat. Whether or not I have a painted board really isn't that import at this stage - though I've been slowly acquiring what I need to paint up the interior of a space hulk...

More to follow as the week moves on...

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

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