Friday, October 15, 2021

DreadTober 2021 Week 2 Progress

Adeptus Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought WIP

Greetings and welcome to DreadTober 2021 week 2. I've been able to get a fair amount of work done on the Telemon Heavy Dreadnought.  I started off the week by washing all of the gold with GW Reikland Fleshshade.  Once thoroughly dry from that, I did some edge highlighting on all of the gold according to the paint recipe on the tab above.  Time consuming but definitely worth it.  The the red was also edge highlighted.  

Adeptus Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought WIP

I painted in the rockets as well and added some highlights to the tips.  With the Fleshshade applied, the gold has taken on a darker, richer hue.

Adeptus Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought WIP

Next up, I added silver highlights to the darker metals.  I also added more shading to the shoulder armor, attempting to achieve a gradient from light at the top to darker at the bottom. Then I got started on the two fists.

Adeptus Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought WIP

At this point her starts to look like a finished model and all the work thus far is really paying off. The fists got some shading and highlights to match the torso and things there are in pretty great shape. The fists still need the final silver edge highlights on the gold.

Adeptus Custodes Telemon Heavy Dreadnought WIP

I put some Scale 75 Black Metal on the pair of Storm Cannon and that was as far as I got for week 2.  The main body and both fists are 98% complete (there's always room for more) and I've begun work on the last four weapon options.  That'll take me into week three, leaving week four to complete the base, final mounting and any last minute cleanup.  Oh, and Decals/transfers!  Can't for get that. 

 Until next week; stay safe out there.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Great progress, it's really coming along!

  2. Nice chonky boi so far. Lovely gold. The red in the photo can’t see much transition, I used base Chaos Red for mine and a wet blend into Evil Sunz Red at the top. You can also darken with Agrax on the red, but only you know irl what it looks like ;)

    1. Yeah, you are right about the transitions, *sigh*. I need much more practice. A for effort though, eh? :) A wet blend would probably have gone better. Here I was trying to layer Reikland Fleshshade in overlapping bands so the the bottom third would be darker. It's perceptible with much scrutiny, but barely. probably many more layers and patience? I'm having a think on it.
