Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Dark Angels Assault Intercessors WIP - Part 3


Dark Angels Assault Intercessors WIP

Greetings.  The Assault Intercessors have moved on a piece.  I added the decals after deciding this would be the second assault squad in the company. I need to paint on the company markings, but that waits for future sessions.  

Dark Angels Assault Intercessors WIP

The decals were sealed down with GW Lahmian Medium after a night of drying thoroughly. Next, the leather, weapons and eye lenses were highlighted as shown in the opening picture above. Here are a couple close up shots of the example model I've been using...

Dark Angels Assault Intercessor WIP

I am happy with the results so far.  Things will look better when I get the armor highlighted.

Dark Angels Assault Intercessor WIP

I'm thinking a little lighter orange/yellow may be needed as a second highlight for the eye lenses.

Dark Angels Assault Intercessor WIP

The leather is now looking suitably scuffed.

Dark Angels Assault Intercessor WIP

I'm liking the chapter decals here.  I was initially bummed that I wouldn't be using the chapter pads with the raised icon on these push-fit models due to the pads being molded on and not a separate part. But it all looks cool enough. In the balance, there will be enough mix over the whole force that it likely won't matter which models have raised icons, and which are transfers.

Next phase will be painting the 5th company symbol on all the left knees, then highlighting the armor, including the chest eagles. The metal needs highlights too.  Then I'll complete the bases and likely be done with the project.  I'm considering using gloss varnish on the eye lenses this time after I complete the overall varnishing of the finished models. Might be nice to have a little shine there.  

So, probably a couple more sessions before these lads are done.  Hopefully I have some good progress to show by the end of the week, with final pics up next week if things go well.  I'd like to move quickly on to the three Eradicators to see if I could complete them before the end of the month.  DreadTober looms large on the horizon! That'll mean setting 40K aside so I can complete the Forge World 30K DA Leviathan dreadnought. 

Oh, and I acquired The Lion so that has to get squeezed in somewhere...

Stay safe out there.

Cheers and Happy Gaming! 


  1. Lovely work on the models and transfers! I'm enjoying painting up the Indomitus box myself, such lovely models.

    1. Thanks! They are very cool models, indeed! Yours painted as White Scars are also coming along so well!

  2. Replies
    1. More progress to post up today, stay tuned!

  3. You 'acquired' The Lion?! Is he going to go helmeted? 10 foot chainsaw or greatsword?

    1. Helmeted with Lion Sword would be my immediate choice; all knightly and what-not. But I'd appreciate the painting experience of taking on the bare head. I'm honestly considering magnetizing the lot, but I have to get the pieces out and see what is feasible there. There's alternate scabbards to match the swords so if I magnet, both have to work. I'm expecting the heads to be straight forward so that is likely. I won't crack the box, though, until I finish this squad.

    2. that would have been my choice too (well, probably magnets) but if I ever get a Primarch then it will likely be a traitor one :(

    3. No worries; you do you! :) You need a Primarch to keep all those cool chaos conversions in line.
