Thursday, April 25, 2024

On the Workbench [April] - Titans and tiny tanks!


Legio Tempestus Warmaster Iconoclast WIP for Adeptus Titanicus

Hello and welcome back!  Today I'm sharing what I've been building this month.  Painting the Legio Ignatum Warlord got me motivated to get the last of the large titans built.  And so I give you Messorem Tormentorum of Legio Tempestus:

Legio Tempestus Warmaster Iconoclast WIP for Adeptus Titanicus

All the weapon options and arms are fully magnetized following on the pattern of my prior titans, with the exception of the flamers (I know it's a HTH titan, but no...) and the shorter range weapon in the fist.  It was going to be a pain to dig the little circles out if magnetized, and the titan needed some ranged capability anyway, even if short. Plus, in the end you can't even see it so I could play the titan with whichever fist weapon I want as long as the card is right, for casual games at least.

All of the armor is still on the sprue ready for painting.  It's going to be interesting applying the dazzle camouflage to this beast.  There are a lot of small panels here and there, so I think we're going to get a lot more Tempestus cobalt blue armor showing when all is said and done.

Solar Auxillia Basilisk WIP for Legions Imperialis

With the big beast built, I moved on to assemble the latest Legions Imperialis releases.  Above we have some Basilisks and below a bunch of soon to be Dark Angels stuff...

Adeptus Astartes Land Raider WIP for Legions Imperialis

So many transport options for the Space Marines! First Rhinos, then Spartans, now Land Raiders and...

Adeptus Astartes Drop Pod WIP for Legions Imperialis

Drop Pods! I will likely pick up a second box of pods at some point. These four won't exactly drop a game changing amount of troops anywhere.  For now the hobby budget is stretched about as much as can be expected. Here, I have to pause and share the pure joy that is modern plastic molding technology.  Not only are all of these models perfect shrunk down versions of their 28mm counter parts in almost every detail, but the precision with which they are able to create these tiny pods with doors that can open and close is astounding. I entered this hobby in the 90's during 2nd Edition 40K when everything was a lump of lead and tin roughly approximating what it was meant to be and often warped and miss-cast. And plastics were as bad or worse in terms of sharp detail. I never would have imagined this level of precision and sharp detail in plastic.

Adeptus Astartes Sicaran WIP for Legions Imperialis

To round things out, I went out to eBay for two more Sicaran tanks to fill the slots in my Battlefoam trays. 😂.  Speaking of which, I now need to plan out what new trays to get for this lot.  It's getting harder to economize space here.  There are drop pod trays, for example, but for 2 -3 times the number of pods I want. Same with the Basilisk/Medusa trays.  Might have to see if the custom tray creator has LI cut outs so I can plan out a custom tray for the collection...hmmmm...

Anyway, that's what's been on the workbench in April. It's getting on time to choose what to paint next.  I don't want to lose momentum on the titans, but I've been looking forward to painting tiny dudes and armor so, that's a thing. Check back next week to see which way I go.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Lovely work! I can't wait to put together my drop pods. Incredible that they managed to make the doors workable!

  2. That warlord is a beast of thing. I wish I had more time/less projects so that I could do some Epic scale models. That was the game that got me into the hobby, but I don't have any room for it now.

    1. That's interesting because I somehow missed Epic almost entirely as I plowed into 2nd and 3rd ed. 40K. I now lean into AT and LI because the models are smaller and take up less room ;)
