Friday, January 12, 2024

On the Workbench [January] - Legions Imperialis Ruins!


Legions Imperialis Ruins WIP

Greetings and welcome back. Still obsessed with tiny models, I dug around among my dusty shelves to find the two sprue of Epic scale ruins I had snagged on eBay shortly after Adeptus Titanicus was released.  For AT, there really wasn't a need for these empty shells, just line of sight blocking terrain.  So I never built it.  Instead I cribbed a piece here and there to put on the bases of larger titans. I think these were released during the time that the Epic Warhammer game was available, but I wasn't really playing that back then - though I did pick up a bunch of Ork stuff...wonder where that got off to?

Legions Imperialis Ruins WIP

There are some great details on these tiny broken buildings that will really stand out with some paintwork and transfers.The size is close enough to fit in with the other Adeptus Titanicus terrain that has been released so far. That terrain seems almost undersized a bit for the scale which helps these work, where Epic scale infantry and tank models definitely do not, at least not with Legions Imperialis.

Legions Imperialis Ruins WIP

There are three main styles of buildings giving plenty of variety when scattered about the table. I'm looking forward to seeing how they paint up.  For their era, they have pretty crisp details.

Legions Imperialis Ruins WIP

These ruins will provide some necessary variety and cover for the infantry in Legions Imperialis. And they are still suitable for variety on an Adeptus Titanicus table, honestly.  Just not necessary.  I threw down a few Legions Imperialis models to see how the scale works.

Legions Imperialis Ruins WIP

Definitely god for gaming! I hope to pick up the newer terrain set that released with Legions Imperialis at well, and I hope it all mixes with the Adeptus Titanicus terrain I also have - including some 3rd party 3D printed buildings and fortress walls that I also picked up and stashed away for future games. 

I have a game planned for March, so I'm going to try to get paint on some of the terrain before then.  I have a solid collection of painted Titans now, and a nice printed game mat to play on.  It's a shame to set them up with unpainted terrain!

So that's the workbench this month.  I REALLY need to get back to painting now.  The Dark Angels Repulsor is crying great crocodile tears on my painting table as I type...

Cheers and Happy Gaming!!


  1. I love the look of these ruins. They will look great with the newer LI models!

  2. I was such a huge fan of Epic 40K back in the day, I would love to get back into that scale of play. So many games, so little time (/money)!!
