Friday, August 25, 2023

Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titans WIP - Part 3


A short update on the Titans today.  Weapon painting is underway.  All of the weapons have been base coated and shaded.  Some highlighting will follow. I did actually make a highlight pass on the gold trim of the Legio Ignatum Reaver titan. Some silver highlights will follow to brighten it up a bit more on the sharpest bits.

Now with white rockets!  Progress is slow but continuous...painting in all the bronze bits of the weapons took some time.

And on to the Legio Tempestus Reaver...

So overall, these two are coming out well.  I'm having some motivation problems getting all the details done. BUT THEY WILL GET DONE! :)  Never back down, never give up. Just keep on keepin' on.

I think I'll do the bases over the weekend and get the beasts glued down finally.  That usually kick starts me into wanting to complete the projects.  These big boys always look more fun when they have something to properly stomp on!

Cheers and Happy Gaming!


  1. Those last little details can be a real motivation killer, hopefully finishing the bases will be motivation to finish them off.
