More progress on the knights! February is rapidly running out but I made good progress over the past week. The knights are starting to come alive now. There is just SO much going on here. As can be seen in the pics, I have painted enough to attach the capes and tilting shields. I have one more piece to attach to the squad leader, once his face is completed.
The plasma weapons got the blue coils effect. It's a fun spot color on these otherwise black/red/white/silver models.
The capes attached well and look good. highlights and additional details will come as I work over the whole models in the reaming time I have for the challenge.
The blade hilts got 'blinged' up with some gems. The blades themselves got a simple dark blue wash. I'll probably do something else there with highlights. But man, those black bases! I've gotta leave time to paint those up. I think I can pull everything in by the end of the 28th - but it will be a close run thing. For only five models, there is a ton to paint here. I hope to breath more life into the project with highlights as we're a bit drab here right now.
The final posts and pics will be up next week after the Squaduary challenge expires. I hope to have some great light box pics of these fellow completed!
Cheers and Happy Gaming!